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Stop Holding Your Greatness Hostage

If fear is holding you back, take time to read this article and take away the power that fear has over your life.

And, if Marketing drives you to chocolate, you don't want to miss this book written for Women in Business. Denise Michaels, author of this article has an incredible $328.95 offer for only $29.95 USD for US residents (and slightly more if you are out of the US). You have the power to make 2005 your best and most successful year ever!!

Top Ten Fears

Copyright 2005 - Denise Michaels

1. Fear of the Edge

Taking risk means leaving our comfort zone and moving into our learning zone. Risking helps us grow and expands our comfort zone. When you risk you’re at the limits of your “growing edge.” This edge can elicit fear, anxiety, even panic. When this happens, many people return to their comfort zone. Others find the courage to break through to their growing edge. How can you motivate yourself to make that final leap? “Feel the Fear and do it Anyway” says Susan Jeffers, in her book by the same name.

Fear is actually a signal that you are risking and growing. Our support systems include friends and family, colleagues or personal coaching and support just like you’ll find here at These support systems can gently push us over the EDGE supporting us in the process.

2. Fear of Failure:

We need to redefine our view of failure as a normal part of the risking process. Failure simply tells us to try a different approach...take a different to someone else...get information elsewhere. Failure is a natural part of the learning process. Look at your fear of failure as an opportunity for learning and growth as well as a signal that it’s time to look for a new way to solve a problem.

3. Fear of Success:

Success often means we must make great change...and this can block us from accepting success. In a well-know study, sociologist Matina Horner found that women fear success because it often meant a loss of significant relationships. Developing a strong sense of self will help you be flexible and open to change. Open yourself to different relationships and everything success may bring into your life.

4. Fear of Loss:

Risking often means letting go and losing. Losing significant relationships, material things, employment situations, important locations, the known. Trust that the space created because of this loss will attract new and better things into your life. As one door closes another opens. As you lessen your grip on the familiar you will grasp newer things that are more in alignment with who you are becoming as a success.

5. Fear of Loss of Self:

Risking can change your self identify. This can be frightening and disorienting. Low self esteem can keep us clinging to an out-moded sense of self. Find ways to continually build your self-esteem so you will have the courage to risk. Working with our Rich Living SuccessMap Coaching System can help you to build your self esteem, your courage and your sense of belief in yourself and your abilities.

6. Fear of the Unknown:

We are creatures of habit. Most of us feel comfortable with the familiar, the known. At the same time, we’re also excited by change and possibility. Remember the thrill of adventure and know that each and every time you risk you are developing your “risk muscles”. You must trust that through risking you have an opportunity to grow, change, evolve, and possibly transform yourself into someone much greater.

7. Fear of Adversity:

Risking often involves taking steps that are unpopular, which can create adversarial conditions. No one wants to <rock the boat>; we avoid conflict at all costs. When we risk we face obstacles. Paul Stoltz, in his book “Adversity Quotient”, suggests seeing obstacles as opportunities rather than roadblocks. He identifies three types of people: quitters, campers, and climbers. Quitters stop risking once they hit a challenge; campers risk a little longer but eventually camp out and remain in their comfort zone; climbers risk and grow throughout their lives. Which type are you?

Negative outcomes from past risking experiences can keep you stuck. Yet if you can view past obstacles as opportunities for learning, as building blocks of your risk muscle development, that attitude will help you in your current risking process.

8. Fear of Change:

Change is difficult; it takes lots of effort to change habitual behaviors and reactions. Researchers have learned that “brain grooves” are created throughout our lifetime based on our routine behaviors. These grooves simplify your life; they are comfortable and familiar. Change means getting out of the groove which is not always easy. It takes patience, persistence and courage to face the fear of change.

9. Fear of Rejection:

No one likes to be disliked, criticized or feel disapproval. Often when you risk you face rejection from others because your risking has an impact on their lives and may create unwelcome changes. Be a little selfish. Accept that it’s finally time to take care of yourself first and not avoid actions that are necessary for you to grow and change just because someone else is rejecting you or might reject you.

10. Fear of the Inner Critic:

Sometimes called “monkey chatter,” the inner critic verbalizes negative self talk which can effectively block you from taking risks. It’s that voice inside that says, “Who do you think you are?” and worse. A good way to silence your inner critic is to counteract its effects by using positive self talk and affirmations. Repetition is the key to turning away incessant monkey chatter and turning it into the positive.

Denise Michaels, The Marketing Maven is Founder of MarketingforHer and a marketing expert with over two decades experience in advertising, public relations, market research, planning and sales. She’s worked closely with top seminar leaders and self-help authors. Her unique 3-day “NO-Fluff Marketing Magic” workshop is an awesome way you can learn exciting strategies to get your potential customers to happily say “yes” to your products/services.

Are you Ready to Overcome Your Marketing Fears?

Start here - Yes! A Book CAN Change Your Business and Your Life Denise Michaels, author of this article has this incredible $328.95 offer for only $29.95 USD for US residents (and slightly more if you are out of the US). You have the power to make 2005 your best and most successful year ever!!

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