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Personal Growth

Matt Cox

Customer Satisfaction is Worthless

How Much is One Customer Worth?

The Little Things

Social Circles

Marie Magdala Roker-Academic and Personal Development Coach

Unfinished Business

Successful People who Have Failed

Money Doesn't Finance Dreams

Missed Opportunities

Encouragement for Inspiration

Setting Big Goals

Set Big Goals

Reach for those Big Goals

Goal Setting and Affirmations

Additional Articles on Personal Growth

10 Best How-To Books

Top 10 Fears in Business and Marketing

Top 7 Traits of Extremely Wealthy People

Goal Setting Tip: How to Set Goals Like Bill Gates

Frodo's Journey: What It Can Teach You About Marketing Your Small Business

Business Tips from The Incredibles

Book Review: The Success Principle by Jack Canfield

Dine Without Whine - A Family Friendly Weekly Menu Plan
Try This Weekly Menu Planner for Moms

Free Bonus CDs

21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

Stop Holding Your Greatness Hostage

Need Encouragement for Inspiration? Are you waiting for it to just happen to you? Marie Roker has a different way to look at it for you.

Unfinished Business
By Marie Roker 

What unfinished business is constantly gnawing at you? Is there someone
you need to forgive? Is there someone you need to apologize to? Is
there something you need to resolve? You're not alone. Most of us have
some kind of unfinished business in our lives, whether it is something
big or small. However, in order for us to move towards the next phase
in your life, it's important that we get closure on our unfinished
business. Before you can resolve to live a successful life, it's
important that you take care of your unfinished business. By honoring
your commitments to yourself and to others, you are creating an
authentic life. When you have unresolved issues hanging over your head,
you are burdened with guilt and shame. So, how can you work on getting
some of your unfinished business resolved?

1. Forgive yourself and stop the blame game. Face the truth about the
situation and make amends with it. Explore the deeper truths about why
you have not yet forgiven yourself. Do you feel unworthy of
forgiveness? Write a letter to yourself with forgiveness of any past
wrong doings.

2. Forgive someone who has hurt you. The more you hold on to the hurt,
the more the pain remains fresh and new. Forgive the person, even if
they refuse to acknowledge that they have hurt you. Forgiveness is not
about them, it's about you.

3. Avoid pile up in your life. Have you been unreliable in the past?
Stop the cycle now by not making any promises you can not keep and
keeping the promises you make. Let people know that they can depend on

4. Confront yourself or someone else in your life. Is there someone you
need to resolve an issue with? Are you silently resenting this person?
Do you have some resentment towards yourself for a decision you made in
the past? You can not undo the past. Let it go and move on.

5. Get closure. Decide to move on. Don't let the situation control your
life, but you control the situation. Sometimes the answer we're looking
for isn't the answer we get. Instead of trying to force an outcome, step
away and surrender.

Marie Magdala Roker is passionate about working with young people and parents and helping them to identify their strengths and potential. She has worked with numerous youth groups and has helped dozens of young people to unlock and nurture their potential. Ms. Roker believes in finding what is “right in your life” instead of what is wrong with it.

Marie is also a Pen Pal Literacy Coach with In2books, a volunteer coach with A Hand UP Coaching, an e-mentor with and an e-career coach with Plan 4 You can find her on the web at or

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