Time Management Tips for WAHMs and Moms
3 Things for
The Incredible Power of Creating
a Target
The Resolution Revolution
Hey Mom! How Fast Can You
Time Management Junkie
Instant Calm and Confidence in
Your Business
Thinking Inside the Box
Self Integrity
Blast from the Past
Whatever Works for You
My Binder is My Best Friend
Isolation vs. Desolation in WAHMs
Who is the Queen of KAOS?
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Tips for WAHMs |
6 Time Management
Tips for Moms
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Summary of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
Daily Work Keeps things
Manageable for Moms
The Incredible Power of
Creating a Target
You’ve all heard the saying “how can you
get somewhere if you don’t know where you’re going” or the worse thing you
can do is climb the ladder to find out it was the wrong ladder.
Sometimes we wander aimlessly through the day, doing a lot but accomplishing
little, especially towards our long term goals.
Years pass and although we’ve been working hard, we’ve seen little progress.
This is often because we have not created a “map”. We’ve had a vague picture
running in the background, but have not pinpointed it clearly enough to
decide how we are going to do it.
Planning does not necessarily need to take a lot of time. In fact it is my
personal feeling that too often too much time is spent planning and not
enough time is spent acting on them – doing the work to make them happen.
But it is important to choose your end goal, break it down and work back
from there.
This will give you yearly, monthly weekly and daily plans to work with.
There are a few approaches you can take depending on how detailed you want
to get and how self disciplined and motivated you are to get there.
You can start with a retirement plan, a 10 year plan, a 5 year plan and or a
a yearly plan, which is then broken up to months, weeks and days.
You can do this for the many areas of your life. Some use the main
categories universal to us all – job, family, health etc. You can also
choose to use categories more specific and personal to you.
For example, maybe you are starting a new hobby and would like to hit a
target as opposed to tracking your progress. Pre-selecting your target and
working backwards, from a predetermined destination will push you to achieve
Merely tracking your progress is a step in the right direction, but finds
you moving aimlessly forward with no set goal in mind.
Although you may be focused, you will not feel the same pull, the commitment
to give your all. This can make the difference between being happy with your
results and feeling that you could have done better – or worse – genuinely
feeling that your goal was beyond you, when all that was needed was a little
more vision.
Or instead of taking a multi faceted approach, you can select one area that
you would really like to break down and focus on – the core concept is the
Many times when using this approach, the area you choose will be the
foundation that the others rest on and you will move on to another one in a
sequence as you get your first targets under your belt.
It is much like the jar story. If you fill it with water or sand first… the
small things… there will be no room for the bigger stones.
If you put the big stones in first (your major targets) then put in the
smaller ones, the sand, then water, there will be room for all and the jar
(you’re life) will not be so taken up by the little things that there is no
room for the large.
Try it. With self discipline and focus, you will see results the first day.
Janice Ferrante is the Queen of KAOS. You can learn more
about how to Conquer KAOS and take CONTROL by visiting her website at
http://www.queen-of-kaos.com. Also be sure to sign up for her free ezine
containing more practical tips, articles and resources at
http://www.queen-of-kaos.com/qoktipssub.html .