Time Management Tips for WAHMs and Moms
3 Things for
The Incredible Power of Creating
a Target
The Resolution Revolution
Hey Mom! How Fast Can You
Time Management Junkie
Instant Calm and Confidence in
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Thinking Inside the Box
Self Integrity
Blast from the Past
Whatever Works for You
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Who is the Queen of KAOS?
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The Resolution Revolution
Every year there is a lot of chatter about resolutions. Not
so much about what we are going to resolve to accomplish this year, or
month, but about how common it is for us to make resolutions which we don’t
stick to.
You will be questioned about how many New Year’s resolutions you have made
over the years, how many did you stick to, how many did you kick to the curb
within days?
And it’s all true! For the most part.
And does that make you feel like bothering this year?
Don’t be glum, you CAN make New Year a powerful time to boost the success of
your goals and desires over the coming year.
If you have made making a New Year’s resolution more than just a passing
if you have made it a habit every New Year to make a list of goals that you
would like to achieve…
if you have taken the time to review your old one’s…
you will probably find that you already have accomplished a growing list of
life goals and challenges.
If you haven’t done this, you can. It’s fun! What other season of the year
focuses so intently upon you and your life. It’s my favourite time of the
The first thing to remember is that a resolution is just that - a resolve to
do something.
My idea of a resolution… or a resolve to do something… is to make a decision
and be strong in not budging on it. If I resolve to do something it means
that I have made up my mind (important step) and will not budge on it, come
“hell or high water”. It will be a top priority. A written law.
How many of us take our New Year’s resolutions that seriously?
How many of us even know what the dictionary term for resolution or resolve
I didn’t so I looked it up.
Here is a summary of the pertinent meanings of “resolution” and “resolve”
taken from the Oxford dictionary.
Resolution – 1. boldness and firmness of purpose. 2. a thing resolved on: an
intention (New Year’s resolutions) 3. The act or instance of solving doubt
or a problem or question (towards a resolution of the difficulty)
Resolve – 1. make up ones mind (resolve to do better) 2. cause to do this
(events resolved him to leave) 3. solve, clear up, settle (doubt, argument,
etc) 4. a firm mental intention or a resolution (made a resolve not to go)
5. resoluteness, steadfastness.
If you look at the various meanings, you will see a common thread and
various explanations as to why we make New Year’s resolutions.
Because we want to do better.
Because an event (or situation) has caused us to want change.
Because we want to replace a negative with a positive.
These are coupled with a firm foundation, the clear and final decision that
it is what we want to do.
With the full intention that we WILL accomplish it.
Your frame of mind is of utmost importance when you are choosing your New
Year’s resolution.
Is it something that you really want? Is it something that you are willing
to do the work to get?
If not, you probably are wasting your time.
If so, make your resolution this New Years Eve – any time will do. What is
your burning desire to change or accomplish in your life? Write it down.
Try to focus on one important item.
Make a plan and follow it daily.
Get some support with a kindred spirit or two. It will up your chances of
success exponentially.
Your resolve will soon become a habit.
When you reach that point, it’s smooth sailing as long as you desire it to
be so.
Do it for your self.
Have a Happy New Year!
Janice Ferrante is the Queen of KAOS. You can learn more
about how to Conquer KAOS and take CONTROL by visiting her website at
http://www.queen-of-kaos.com. Also be sure to sign up for her free ezine
containing more practical tips, articles and resources at
http://www.queen-of-kaos.com/qoktipssub.html .