What Can a Direct Sales Consultant Do to Increase Sales?

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In direct sales, the term “don’t reinvent the wheel,” is often used. Many reps, especially beginners, look for new ways to increase sales and rack their brains night and day for new ideas. No one likes to be a copy cat, however discovering the basic principles of advanced marketers and applying a personal touch is just smart business. In fact many large corporations’ success is based on sales tactics learned from competitors. It’s time to take a look at what fellow reps and competitors are doing to increase sales this holiday season.

Stocking Up

It is difficult for many reps to keep products on hand and have their money warehoused, so to speak. However, it can be very lucrative if the items move quickly. Successful direct sales reps know their products. They know which products are fast movers and have an eye for what pleases their customers. Many reps keep a good supply of fast movers to sell directly to customers at parties and functions. Lots of people buy on impulse and don’t want to wait for an order to arrive. They will not place an order, but if a product is before them that they can see and touch they will make a purchase and supplied with a catalog may possibly become a lifetime client.


Many companies offer rep discounts on discontinued items or samples. The savvy marketer knows these make perfect freebies. Everybody enjoys the surprise of a free item. Make it a point to offer free items with purchases. The items may or may not complement each other. If possible they should be personal and client specific. Using new products for freebies will expose customers to an ever widening product base. While offering freebies may slightly decrease profit it will boost sales and be well worth the return on investment (ROI).

Holiday Baskets & Bulk Discounts

It is the holiday season and shoppers are looking for gifts. Smart reps are creating gift sets. This pleases customers and lessens the burden of gift wrapping and shopping. Shoppers have many people on their holiday list and if they can check off a few names in one stop, they surely will. Another good sales tip is to offer discounts for multiple items. This will encourage more sales which will make up for the discounted pricing. Catalogs, sales flyers and a business card should be included in every gift set. The customer base has just been greatly increased.

Useful Ideas for Clients

No matter how attractive a product may be, if the customer has little or no use for it sales will decrease. Business savvy reps educate their clients on the multiple uses of their products. This can be done face to face with unbelievable results or it may be done with teaching tools. Teaching tools may be as complex or simple as fits the situation. Bright and colorful flyers can inform customers of the many product uses. Simple miniature cookbooks that include company products encourage more use of items. New ideas for using products, or explanations as to why they make great gifts increases sales. Finally, a list of the benefits or real life stories about the product may convince customers to open their wallets.

While focusing on increasing sales is important for business, direct sales reps know their team members are their best asset. Recruiting of team members should not be forgotten during the rush of the holiday season. Many new team members are gained by noticing how lucrative a rep’s business appears. Open arms and inviting explanations to customers and potential team members will increase sales the most.


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