Water Preschool Theme Crafts and Art

Written by Tricia

by Aunt B

Copyright 2004-2006 Story Soup Kids, a division of Enchanted Corner

Water Crafts for Kids

Bubble Painting Art

Small Cup
Finger Paint Paper

Fill the small cup about ¼ of the way with bubbles. Add a couple drops of paint. Mix this will the straw. Place the cup of bubble paint on top of the finger paint paper and blow through the straw. This will make bubbles and they will over flow on top of your paper making a wonderful painting.

Summer Sprinkle Painting

Powdered tempera paint in shaker-top cans
White construction paper
Plastic trash bags
Rain in the form of a sprinkle

Place the plastic trash bags out side on the ground. Sprinkle powdered tempera paint on to the white construction paper. Lay the white construction paper on the trash bags and step inside. Watch through a window how the rain sprinkle will turn the powdered paint into a beautiful piece of art work.

Squirt Bottle Painting

Squirt Bottle
Large Paper (Kraft Brown Paper is good)
Chain link fence
Clothes pins

Fill a squirt bottle with a 1 part paint 2 parts water mixture. Hang your large paper on a chain link fence with clothes pins. Squirt out a painting with your paint squirt bottles. I recommend you make up a couple different color bottles.

**Wear a smock**

Water Painting

Big Paint Brush
Fence or sidewalk

Fill a bucket with water. Next encourage your children to paint pictures with the water on the fence, sidewalk, or driveway. When the water dries it will disappear and your child can start over.

Water Art Books for Kids

Every child enjoys water color. Well these books are great all you do is add water and watch the pictures come to life with color.

Paint with Water Book to Color: Berry Fun! Strawberry Shortcake
by Dalmatian Press

Disney Princesses: Coloring, Paint With Water, Activities
by Golden Books


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