Thanksgiving Pilgrim Preschool Theme Crafts

Written by Nicole Dean

by Aunt B

Copyright 2004-2006 Story Soup Kids, a division of Enchanted Corner

Kids Pilgrim Crafts

Mayflower ships

Items you will need:
Small amount of play dough
Small white piece of paper

Give your child a walnut shell half, a small piece of play dough, a toothpick and a small square of white paper for a sail. Let your child decorate their sails with crayons. Help your child put 2 holes in their sail. Show the child how to stick their toothpick in one hole and out the other hole. Have you child roll the play dough into a ball and place in the bottom of the walnut shell. Then stick the toothpick in the play dough. You now have the Mayflower Ship.

Log Cabins

Items you will need:
Stick pretzels
Construction paper

Using your imagination and build your own log cabin you might go camping in.

Glue stick pretzels to the construction paper in the pattern of a log cabin.

**This craft can be altered for older children by using small milk cartons, and have the children glue the pretzel sticks to the carton. Children can also use construction paper to make the doors, windows and a chimney if they would

Easy Pilgrim Hat

Items you will need:
Large sheet of Kraft mailing paper
Masking Tape
Black construction paper
Bucket (beach bucket or plant pot)

Measure around the rim of the bucket with the Black paper. Cut a strip to fit around the paper. (You can take foil to make a buckle if you would like)

Place paper centered over the upside-down bucket. Press paper down with hands around bucket to shape. Take masking tape and go around the bucket. This will hold your shape. Place your black strips on top of the masking tape. Remove hat from bucket.

Cooking with Kids

Sweet Cornucopia’s

Items you will need
Sugar Cones
Fruit shaped gummies OR Fruit shaped cereal OR Runts
Icing in a tube
Small paper plate

Fill the sugar cone up with icing. Optional: add your name to the outside of the cone. Tie your pretty ribbon around the opening of the cone for decoration. Place your fruit shaped treats in side the cone. Lay your cone down on a dollie-covered plate. Let your fruit treats scatter out of the opening.

Recommended Pilgrim Books to read

The Thanksgiving Story
Written by: Alice Dalgliesh
A wonderful holiday story about the voyage of the Mayflower, Plymouth Plantation, and the celebration of the first Thanksgiving.

The Pilgrims’ First Thanksgiving

Written by: Ann McGovern
Celebrate Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims.

The Very First Thanksgiving Day
Written by: Greene, Rhonda
Introduces young readers to America’s most beloved national tradition, which began with a shared feast to rejoice in the bounty of the land, new beginnings, and peace between two societies.

Thanksgiving Printable Games & Activities


One Response to “Thanksgiving Pilgrim Preschool Theme Crafts”

  1. carmen says:
    November 15th, 2011 5:12 pm

    can you please teach me how to make a mayflower project but print it out

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