Techniques to Increase Your Sales

Written by admin

There’s nothing more important, no matter what product you’re selling, than making that sale! Nothing could be more obvious. But what’s not always as obvious is how to get those sales.

Maybe you’ve already tried all the old-school techniques such as cold calling and handing out catalogs to anyone you see. Or maybe you just want to try something different and a little more creative, so you can increase your chances even more of making a sale.

Direct salespeople are constantly looking for new ways to increase their sales. Here are some unique ways to stay at the forefront of your customer’s minds and start watching your sales explode.

Upsell to Current Customers

If you’re selling face-to-face, always suggest products to them that you think might be useful or that are related to the product they’re buying from you. If you have a website, make sure you upsell there, too. Once a customer has completed her order, have a list of related products for her to look over and see if there’s anything else she may be interested in buying.

Pay for Referrals

There’s no better advertising than word of mouth. So getting your customers to refer you to their friends is very important to your business. To give your customers even more incentive to give you a referral (other than your great personality, wonderful products and award-winning customer service), bribe them. Give them something in return for telling others about you.

Offer a free product to every customer who refers four new customers to you. you’ll get three sales in exchange for one free product. Can’t beat a deal like that!

Cross Promote

Get together with a few other businesses in your area and create an advertising bundle. You can then each hand them out to your customers and reach a huge number of people. This lets you advertise for each other free and reach a much broader customer base.

Include Coupons in Outgoing Orders

When a customer places an order and it comes time to deliver it to her, look her order over and create a coupon for related items that you include with her order.

Also make sure you include a catalogue with the order. Not only will customers be much more likely to buy the product you’ve included a coupon for, but they could also order other items from the catalogue. One sale may have just turned into two, which could turn into many, many more.

Upsell with Services

Another way to sell with an order is to upsell when you deliver it. Whether it’s a service such as rush delivery on the next order or an upgrade on the next purchase, include a service that customers can use, and charge for it. Not only will you be giving your customers something they’ll appreciate and use, but you’ll be making yet another sale.

Sell Gift Certificates

People love giving gift certificates and they love receiving them. Gift certificates are perfect for that person you just don’t know what to buy for. And they’re wonderful to receive because the recipient gets to pick whatever she wants.

If you have a website, be sure to include gift certificates somewhere among your other products. And likewise, be sure to include a way for customers to redeem their gift certificates, online, too.

Freebies, Freebies, Freebies!

Always include freebies for your customers when you deliver an orders. Whether it’s a fridge magnet, a keychain, pen, or samples of your product, always give your customers something just for ordering from you.

Do make sure that anything you give away includes your name, website, and logo on it. This not only makes your customers appreciative and want to order from you again, but it also makes it easier for them to do so.

With these simple techniques, you’ll soon see your profits soar and begin getting not only more return clients, but lots of new ones, too!


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