Team Training For Home Party Plan Meetings

Written by Deb Bixler

Home Party Consultant Meeting Training Ideas

Home Party Team TrainingAs a direct sales or home party consultant, your business thrives on bookings and sales. To make more profits and ratchet up your business to a higher level, you can build a team of sales consultants. Having a team will help your business grow exponentially and put more money in your bank account.

However, having a sales team also means more work; to have your sales team working effectively you need to have regular home party plan training meetings for all your sales consultants.

It doesn’t matter what line of products you sell, having a team of sales consultants is financially rewarding. The better the training, the more the team will sell. The more they sell, the more profits you and your team members make.

How to Train Party Plan Business Consultants

Effective home party plan training should simulate the actual booking. It is extremely important to provide your team members with the opportunity to learn in an environment that is close to the real thing. You can have meeting training topics on:

  • Teach the speech
  • Body language is the language of sales
  • Simulate a party
  • Play with the products
  •  Practice and preparation

During training, the starting point should be the speech. This is often the most difficult part of the sales presentation. Many people have issues with public speaking. The speech should be written out and practiced over and over, and over again. Team members should write out short speeches and then practice giving them to each other. Another important part of the presentation is to work on body language. Teach them how to stand, what gestures to use, and how to make eye contact with a room full of people. Body language should always appear as open and as inviting as possible.

During home party plan training it is beneficial to hold your training sessions in an environment that is similar to one in which the booking will take place. Most bookings are at someone’s home. By holding training sessions in someone’s house, your team will feel more comfortable when they go to a home for a presentation.

Team members should also spend time using and learning about the products. They should know how to use them and be completely comfortable discussing all the details about every item in the product line. Training sessions can include time to learn about the products, but trainees should also be required to do some homework as part of their training.

The last key to successful sales training is practice and preparation. Practice the speech, the demonstration, the various games to play, and the processing of orders. Teach them how to prepare for a party and how to organize the products, the props, and the paperwork prior to a booking.

Use Technology To Leverage Team Training Time

The CashFlowShow Game is a party plan training program that is duplicate-able. It will leverage your time as you put your team through a progressive learning style that guarantees success.

Home party training should be as comprehensive as possible. The better trained your team members are in all aspects of home party sales, the more bookings they will get and the more products they will sell. Effective training means more money for everyone.


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