10 Ways to Kick-Start Your New Direct Sales Business

September 30, 2009 · Filed Under Direct Sales Marketing, Growing Your Business · 1 Comment 

You’ve searched long and hard and finally found a direct sales company you want to build a business around. So you signed up as a new consultant, got your starter kit, and you’re ready to go. Now what? You need to get busy, get some sales and some bookings to build your momentum! Here are 10 things you can do right away to get your new business off to a great start.

1. Order business cards. If the company you’ve chosen doesn’t provide them, order from a local printer or VistaPrint, but don’t neglect this important marketing tool. Once you have your cards in hand, pass them out everywhere you go. There’s a reason people have been using business cards for decades: they work!

2. Create a flyer. Include a product highlight or an offer for a free catalog, along with your phone number, email and website address. Print a bunch or have them copied onto colorful paper and post them everywhere you can. Many businesses around your town will have bulletin boards for this very purpose. Make the most of them and get the word out.

3. Buy a plain muslin tote and applique paper for your printer and create your own personalized tote. Or have one made. Be sure your logo is big and your website address is included. Then fill it with catalogs, brochures, samples and order forms and carry it everywhere you go.

4. Does your company offer a fundraising program? Then call your local PTA, clubs, churches and other groups who could use your services. You could become known as the fundraising gal and make a business just doing fundraisers! If your company doesn’t have a fundraising program, create your own. Offer a discount so groups can make a profit, design a flyer outlining the program and get busy making those calls.

5. If you’ll be doing home parties, create a list of everyone you know and book as many parties as you can during the first three weeks. Call family, friends, neighbors, teachers, co-workers and anyone you “used to know.” Offer an added incentive to anyone who books one of your first shows.

6. Ask for referrals. Ask every one of those people you called to book a party if they can refer three people who may be interested in doing the same. Assure them you’ll treat those names and phone numbers like gold and not SPAM or abuse the contact. Then begin to call your referral list and offer the same booking incentive to each of them. You should be well on your way to a full calendar by now!

7. Join a local business leads or networking group (or start your own). These groups only allow one representative from each industry, so any referrals for what you sell would be directed to you. Read up on business networking to make the most of your efforts. Finding the right group can give your business a huge boost in sales almost immediately.

8. Send out a press release. If you can’t write a professional release, hire a writer to do it for you. It needs to be well-written, not a sales letter, and it needs to address a unique aspect of your business. Done properly, a press release can generate a tremendous amount of free publicity for your new business so it’s worth the effort and small cost it may require.

9. Write an article (or two) about your industry and submit it to article directories, ezine publishers, print newsletters, your local newspaper, and webmasters. Be sure to make it entertaining and informative so readers will want to learn more from you. Include a link to your website or a contact email address at the bottom and add a free offer to generate the greatest response.

10. Create goodie bags to hand out to people you meet. Place a business card, coupon, sample product, brochure, piece of candy and anything else you think will work inside a zipper bag. Place a label on the front with full contact information and hand them out all over town.

Use your creativity and the excitement you feel when your business is new to generate quick sales and your business will start growing immediately. That, in turn, will add more excitement, which will bring in more business. You’ll be a successful direct sales business owner before you know it!

Unsuccessful Sales Tactics to Avoid

September 28, 2009 · Filed Under Attitudes & Goals, Direct Sales Marketing · Comments Off on Unsuccessful Sales Tactics to Avoid 

Most direct sales consultants study ways to sell more and get new customers. Few, however, study what not to do. Here are some sales tactics that will not only lose sales for you, but they can truly sabotage your business if allowed free reign. Watch for them, and eliminate them from your direct sales business as quickly as you can.

Becoming a one-size-fits-all-kind of gal. Treating every customer and prospect the same can be a big mistake in your direct sales business. You need to discover what each individual customer desires and work to fill that desire. Otherwise, you’re simply competing with other direct sales representatives who offer the same cookie-cutter approach, and with potentially hundreds of other reps in any company, being different matters.

Offering each customer or prospect specifically what she wants promotes you as the direct sales consultant who knows her customers and strives to meet their every need. That will ensure your customers keep coming back to you when they need what you have to sell.

Failing to care for your customers. Customer care is critical to a successful business, especially a direct sales business. Direct sales is a personalized business by its nature, and it requires stronger customer-consultant relationships than standard retail businesses. That’s why it’s mandatory that your customers know you will care for their needs in any way you can.

Return phone calls promptly. Handle returns and refunds with a pleasant attitude. Work diligently to ensure they receive orders on time. Say thank you with a simple card or email. Anything you can do to let your customers know how much you value them will pay off in added sales for your business.

Monopolizing the conversation. If you’ve ever read Dale Carnegie’s classic book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” you’ll know that the underlying premise of all the Carnegie teaches is to learn to listen to people.

Everyone wants to be heard. Becoming known as someone who listens will strengthen your relationships, and it will help you hear what it is your customers and prospects need. Knowing that will put you well on the way to solving their problems–and increasing your sales. The opposite, not listening or talking too much, will drive customers away quicker than you can blink.

Not being completely honest with yourself and your customers. It’s sometimes easy to think you’re working hard when you’re really surfing the ‘Net, or when you’re daydreaming instead of making phone calls or answering email–like you know you need to be doing.

It may be easy to exaggerate the potential when you’re trying to recruit a new team member, or exaggerate a product’s capabilities when you know it can’t do what you say. It’s not that we intend to lie, we just want to make a situation sound better than it is!

But anytime you are less than 100 percent honest with yourself and your customers or prospects, you’re doing serious damage to your business. A successful direct sales business is built on honesty and trust. And without these important virtues, the foundation of your business is shaky at best. Be honest in every aspect of your business with both yourself and your customers. The results will be well worth the self-discipline in the long run.

Wanting what you want and wanting it now. Building a strong customer base and a successful direct sales business takes time. It also requires dedication, persistent and that dreaded “P” word–patience.

Keep working at your business–contacting customers and prospects, booking parties, promoting and marketing your products, and it will pay off. Just give it time and one day you’ll realize how far you’ve come… one seemingly slow step at a time. You’ll be so glad you didn’t give up when the results weren’t immediate or instantaneous!

Working as a lone wolf. Sometimes you may feel as if you’re totally on your own in direct sales. After all, you are the boss, and you usually work alone–making calls, following up on emails, placing orders, etc. But direct sales is about relationships and building strong ones will take your business farther than being a “lone wolf” will ever do.

Nurture your relationships. Get to know people in all areas of life. Learn to network with others naturally, through conversation and interaction. Doing so will not only enrich your personal life tremendously, but it will ensure you’re never at a loss for word of mouth referrals and sales leads from trusted friends.

Building a successful direct sales business can be challenging, but the rewards are amazing! The flexibility of working your own hours and raising your own kids while still being able to earn a good income are priceless. Do all you can to minimize the mistakes you make and your business will grow more quickly because of your efforts.

Use Self-Talk to Succeed in Direct Sales

September 16, 2009 · Filed Under Attitudes & Goals, Direct Sales Marketing · 1 Comment 

Maria, a 33 year old direct sales consultant for a well-known beauty and skin care company, wanted desperately to succeed in her business. She struggled, however, with low self-esteem and didn’t believe she was qualified or capable of creating her own success working at home.

On the verge of giving up on her business and going back to work as a server at a nearby restaurant, Maria discovered a technique that she continues to study and learn more about. It’s called self-talk.

Self-talk is just what it sounds like. It’s what we say to ourselves, though it’s internal, not audible. Self-talk is also what others say about us that we hear. This kind of talk–to ourselves and by others–affects us on a subconscious level, so that without even realizing it, we believe what we hear.

Self-talk is more than what we think. It relates to the conversations we have with ourselves. We may say something like, “Why in the world did you do that?!” Or, “Whoa… you look good today, girl.” In the first case, we walk around the house felling like an idiot all day. In the second, we feel on top of the world!

Our internal self-talk may be positive or negative. It’s anything we say to ourselves, any conversation we have within our psyches at any time. And it affects us either positively or negatively, depending on the kind of talk it is.

While you may not realize it, you’re influenced greatly by your internal self-talk. Whatever you say within yourself or whatever you hear someone say about you, on some subconscious level, you believe. While you may not be as likely to believe what someone says to you, you will almost certainly believe what they say about you. Self-talk is powerful.

So how can you use self-talk to succeed in your direct sales business? By changing the things you say to yourself!

If you want to change an ingrained behavior or habit, self-talk can make or break your success. You can dramatically increase your chance of success at anything by simply changing what you say to yourself relating to that topic.

So if you want to succeed in direct sales, instead of saying to yourself, “I really wish I was a better salesperson,” you can say, “I’m so glad I started my direct sales business. I know my success is going to be over the top!”

Or, instead of saying, “Oh, I wish I didn’t have to make this phone call!” Say to yourself, “I’m so glad making calls is easy for me.”

Sometimes when we say something to ourselves there’s a little voice inside us that doesn’t quite believe it. We may say, “I’m so glad making calls is easy for me,” and deep inside us we hear, “Yeah, right. You know you hate to make phone calls.”

Self-talk doesn’t work instantaneously! But if we keep using positive self-talk and keep saying what we need to hear, we will come to believe what we say. That’s when it will begin to manifest itself in our lives and we will become what we say we are. Honestly! That’s how powerful self-talk is.

What we say to ourselves and what other people say about us that we hear affects us on our deepest emotional, subconscious level in very real ways. If we want to change our behavior, we must change what we say and believe about ourselves.

Remember Maria? Well, as she began to study and learn about self-talk, Maria began to change what she said to herself. Today, instead of suffering from low self-esteem, Maria has developed a healthy self-respect. She has come to understand and believe in her value as a woman and her abilities to succeed in direct sales!

Self-talk isn’t a magic potion. It’s a real, concrete method of changing our thought patterns and molding our minds into recognizing and believing in the good within us. Self-talk is a tremendous tool that you can use to adjust your thinking and your attitude. Give it a try… but be prepared to be amazed!

8 Ways to Create Direct Sales Customer Loyalty

September 4, 2009 · Filed Under Customer Loyalty, Direct Sales Marketing · Comments Off on 8 Ways to Create Direct Sales Customer Loyalty 

Marketing experts assert that it’s much easier to keep a customer you already have than it is to find a new one and convince them to buy from you. That’s why, especially in today’s economy, it’s imperative to do all you can as a direct sales consultant to develop loyalty in your existing customers. Not only loyalty to the company, but specifically loyalty to you, their consultant.

Thankfully, this can be accomplished by focusing on your customer and doing everything you can to make them feel appreciated while keeping your name in the front of their thoughts.

1. Communicate with your customers on a regular basis throughout the year. Use ezines and newsletters, direct mail, postcards, Christmas and birthday cards, telephone calls and more. How you do it isn’t nearly as important as that you do it. Stay in touch with them, and when your customers need what you have to offer, they’ll come to you–the person they know.

2. Create a customer loyalty rewards program. Use referral points or frequent buyer cards to show your appreciation for your customers in visible ways. You could offer a discount based on every point they earn, give a free gift after X number of purchases, or make them a member of your preferred customers club. This is a low cost, yet extremely effective way, to build customer rapport and strengthen the customer relationship.

3. Make it easy to contact you by prominently displaying contact information on your website, business cards, and literature. While we live in a world where most people prefer to communicate via email, many customers still want a more personal approach to their business contacts. Set yourself apart from all the other direct sales reps by providing a simple way for customers to reach you by phone, or at the very least, by instant messenger.

4. Borrow concepts from the brick and mortar world by converting a few common customer service principles to use online, or on the phone. For instance, many employees are instructed to greet every customer as they enter the store. You can do the same thing with a pleasant greeting at the top of your website. Some webmasters use pop-ups for this, but be cautious. Pop-ups can become annoying very fast.

5. Another concept is to let customers know someone is available to help if they need it. Virtually, you can do this by giving your customers your cell phone, by providing a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with a prominent link on your website, or by offering live chats via a web interface. There are many free and low-cost programs that allow you to offer this service from your site.

6. Consider sharing your expertise and advice as well. You can provide free articles on topics that relate to your direct sales company products. If you sell beauty products, for example, offer make-up and skin care tips, fashion helps, hair care information and more. If you sell kitchen items, offer recipes, cooking tips and grocery shopping help. Whatever your company provides, take it a step further and offer free information that correlates to the product line.

7. Provide service beyond your customer’s expectations. Offer service with a virtual smile–or a real one when you deal with people directly. Handle problems and returns quickly and cheerfully. If your company charges for returned items, let your customers know that you allow returns on any item they purchase from you, even though the company won’t take it back. Talk about going the extra mile! And you can bet the word will get around that your are the best consultant for your direct sales company to be found.

8. When shoppers leave the store, many employees go out of their way to say thank you, wish them a nice day and invite them to return. You can do the same by sending simple thank you cards, or emails and letting your customers know that you appreciate them and their loyalty to you.

Direct sales competition can be fierce, but if you practice excellent customer care and go beyond the norm in providing quality service to your customers, they’ll reward you with loyalty, return sales and word of mouth referrals. You can’t ask for more than that, can you?

Direct Sales Online Party

January 14, 2009 · Filed Under Successful Online Parties · Comments Off on Direct Sales Online Party 

42-15232843 photo credit: gcoldironjr2003

When you are planning your direct sales online party, you need to make sure you use your time to the fullest during the party to attract more sales. You will have the potential there at the party so implement the following tips to convert more sales.

4 Tips to More Online Party Sales

I know most of us have held our own online party, been to one, or at least read about them. Many of the materials online are general, and the average online party (for individuals) has around 5-10 guests at the most. Maybe more, maybe less, depending on several factors. But really for those that do not belong to party groups, and are holding their first party the attendance is going to be very low.

After some thought, I realized the way we are holding these parties is wrong. In a previous article we talked about stepping out of the wahm zone, and searching for your specific customers. When looking for guests for your online party, it should be no different. Instead of mass submitting party invites to wahm groups, let’s take a step back and see what should be done FIRST.

1. BUILD a newsletter
Before you have your next party or even start to plan it, set up a newsletter. This is something you should have already for your business, no matter if it’s an informational newsletter or one that lists your specials – you NEED a list of potential customers. If you haven’t started to build one, start now! I could go into detail as to HOW, but newsletters are an entirely different subject of their own.

2. USE your newsletter list
No I don’t mean take advantage of them, but I do mean send your party notices to your list. Your list is the most important, targeted sources of free advertisement you have!

3. Give good REASONS to attend
Simply saying “online party – join us” isn’t enough. Not even saying “games and prizes” is enough anymore. Get creative and have a good reason for having your party. Such as announcing a new product not released yet, giving away free items (be specific in your email!), or featuring a specific type of product on your website. Informational chats are good as well, such as one that explains what a certain non-familiar product is.

4. Make a SCHEDULE
If you have monthly parties introducing or featuring specific products, the attendance is going to be better than if you just have them at random. Weekly is the best for repeat guests, but you also do not want to burn your guests out offering them the same products. Monthly would work best, since it’s not as often but still creates that habit. Make sure you have it on the same day every month (such as the 1st, 10th, 15th…something easy to remember).

Don’t forget to get creative with your parties! With so many offering online parties today, you really need to make yourself stand out. Granted if you do follow the first two steps, you WILL have a much better response since instead of just other wahms you will have a targeted group that may not be familiar with online parties. Even still, there is always room for improvement. 😉

Good luck with your next online party!

Article by:
Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers – DirectSalesHelpers.com

Self Promotion in Your Direct Sales Business

January 14, 2009 · Filed Under Offline Promotion · Comments Off on Self Promotion in Your Direct Sales Business 

The wrapping and the box cover photo credit: dresdendoll

One of the most frequent things I see as a leader or upline is the fact that someone will call me and say I have no sales! Of course you ask them, “Well what have you been doing?” And the answer 9 times out of 10 is “oh, I talked to my mom and her friends and I have gotten nothing.” “OK”, I say “what else have you done to promote yourself?” “UMMM, nothing. I pass out books but nothing happens!”

Here is problem number one…I pass out books and nothing happens. Ok, do you get the person’s phone number and call them and ASK them for an order? Do you call them and just leave a reminder, “Hey my order is going in this weekend in case you need something!” Do you order extra books and pass them out like water? Do you make flyers and mail them out to everyone you know? Do you TREAT your business like a business?

Honestly, most of the time the answer is no. The most self defeating thing in our business is our self!! I will say it again. The most self defeating thing in our business is our self! WHY? Because we are afraid to promote OURSELVES!

I have seen ladies hang their head and mumble while trying to push a book into someone’s hands. Would I order from someone like that? Probably NOT! I have seen ladies cringe at the thought of talking to a stranger at the grocery store. Be proud of your business! If you truly love your business, why are you ashamed to talk about it and shout it to anyone who will listen???

Stand up and say “I sell ___ and I LOVE my job!” Wear pins, carry books or business cards with you everywhere! Put stickers on your car; signs on your lawn; notices or biz cards in your mail; talk to the other moms; network locally; tell the world! You do not have a neon sign above your head that says you sell ___. So if you don’t promote it, who will???

Take a hard look at your business and how you act with it and see what you can do to improve yourself and your attitude about it. Everyday, work on improving your business visibility in your community and with other people, your potential customers. And remember, customer service and consistency is key! Then, watch your sales rise!

Increasing Your Sales

January 14, 2009 · Filed Under Successful Home Parties · Comments Off on Increasing Your Sales 

Makin' a List photo credit: shareski

This is an area that we all want and need to work on. Some of us are in businesses that are very cyclical; high sales at certain times of the year. Some of us have consistent sales, but it you want to change it. How do you increase your sales?

One of the first things is KNOW YOUR CATALOG! This is YOUR STORE! It is the only thing that your customers can see. We don’t usually have ALL of the items that are available for purchase. We don’t have the money for that type of inventory, so how is the customer going to know you have it, or know that it is good quality, or maybe not so good quality and you recommend a different piece or item? You are the only one between you and the customer’s money! You need to make them want to spend it with YOU! HOW?

The first thing to look at is if you are an order taker or an order maker. An order taker just says, “Ok, so you would like 2 eyeliners. Thanks for your order. I will call you next week.” An order maker will say, “Ok, so I have 2 eyeliners for you. Did you see that we also have mascara on sale this month as well. Did you know that mascara only lasts for about 3 months and you should change it often? Can I add one or two on for you?” This is linking one product that is similar to another.

Bridge selling is taking someone with an order for one item and hooking it up with another item that could go well with it. Your customer is ordering a foundation; you can bridge them into a blush or a powder. If you don’t sell makeup, but sell home decor, then it would be similar if they are buying a floral piece and you recommend a pretty picture that picks up the colors of the floral arrangement. You are enticing them, teasing them, if you will. You want them to have to have it. Offer a small discount if they buy both items. Your profit will go up since their purchase price has just gone up. This can also be accomplished with Group selling. Grouping three or more items together that work together and selling them at one price, with a discount of course. You just tripled your sales to one person. Don’t be afraid to try something new! You cannot read peoples minds so you don’t know how much they are willing to spend.

Another thing to look at is how much time do you spend in training? Do you go through company training and then that is it? “Hey, I read my manual. I know all there is to know about my company and business. Heck, I’ve been in sales forever! “Or do you read and research as much as you can about your business. Listen to speakers, read business books, get others opinions, share with others. By expanding your knowledge, you will be able to come up with different ideas about promoting your business. You will find out what works for others. You will learn that improving your self also improves your confidence and that reflects positively to your customers. Your customers will buy more if they think you REALLY do know everything there is to know about your business and they will feel confident that you are a professional and not just doing this business to make a fast buck and then never hear from you again. Most sales are made by relationships, not by the fact that they want your stuff. By investing in you, you are investing in your future with your business.

One last thing you can do to increase your sales, is focus on your companies top items. What are the most popular things that move? A lot of companies list these out for you. Ask them. Why? Because these are the top sellers, the things that everyone wants. If you do parties, then make sure you are focusing on the top sellers AND the higher price items. Make them WANT IT! Get personal. Talk about the one you have just like it; how you can live without it; how it was the reason that you joined this company. “I just fell in LOVE with my Bean Pot. OMG! It is so awesome and the food is so wonderful in it!!!” AND SO ON….. Get them hooked on it and then move them into the rest of the items that go with it. Link them! And then watch your sales and profits soar!

Create Desire At Your Show

January 13, 2009 · Filed Under Successful Home Parties · Comments Off on Create Desire At Your Show 

Sell The Benefit Not The Feature

In order to create desire at your home party you must focus on the benefits.  You will improve your party plan presentation with these quick tips.

Benefits sell products, features do not. When you are talking about your products at a show, be sure that you are creating pictures for your guests using the benefits of a product.

What is the difference between a feature and a benefit?

A Feature Is About The Product

  • The ball is orange.
  • The whisk is stainless steel.
  • The lip balm is petroleum free.
  • The vest is a polyester/cotton blend.

A Benefit Is About The Person

  • Lots of kids came up to Johnny to play because of his bright orange ball.
  • The ball was easy to find when Johnny kicked it into the woods.
  • You can put this stainless steel whisk in the dishwasher.
  • This whisk will last a lifetime because it will never rust.
  • The lip balm does not dry out your lips even more.
  • This lip balm will stop the lip balm addiction, as it actually soothes your skin instead of drying it out more.
  • You can put this vest in the dryer because it is a poly blend.
  • You will never worry about this vest shrinking.

Relates to all products

This feature and benefit comparison will work with any product or service. Just sit down and list the features of all of your products, offers or services, and then write a list of benefits to the person next to the feature.

People Buy Emotionally

The next step is to create an emotionally charged statement with each feature and benefit on your list. People shop and purchase emotionally, so create and memorize statements that draw out the emotional benefits of a product.

  • Johnny is so excited with all the new friends he made at the park today while playing with his orange ball.
  • I can’t believe I will never have to buy another wire whisk in my whole entire life! And it goes in the dishwasher too!
  • Ever since I started using this lip balm, my husband has commented on how soft my lips are.
  • Today I was rushing around and just pulled this vest straight out of the dryer and threw it on. Wash, dry and wear. It is so simple!

How to Stay Focused On Your Business Everyday

January 13, 2009 · Filed Under Direct Sales Marketing · Comments Off on How to Stay Focused On Your Business Everyday 

118-365 Focus photo credit: JoelZimmer

One of the most important things for a Work At Home Business it that we HAVE to work our business everyday to stay focused. What happens if we do not do that? Well, we would not have any income coming in. I, for one, would have a problem with that… I mean the whole reason I work at home is to have income. So what can we do every day to keep our business in the forefront without it running our lives??

Depending on the type of business that you have is going to determine if some of these are workable for you, but in general purposes, everyone should be able to do these things.

Make customer service calls. What does that mean? Stay in touch with your customers. Call someone to check and see if they are enjoying X product they bought from you. If it is makeup, make sure it is working properly, and that they like the results. If it is home decor, see if they have used the product yet. Are they enjoying it? Have they gotten complements on the results? Maybe these complements are referrals that your customer can make to you. Offer a small discount for referrals.

Send Thank You notes. Send out Birthday cards, if you keep track of your customer’s b-days. How about Thinking of You cards to those you haven’t heard from in a while? Offer a small discount on their next order. This may get an order for you.

Send out flyers for a special sale or Open House. Are you doing a booth at a local craft show or festival? Here is another reason to send out a quick flyer. Again, offer them a little discount or free gift if they mention the ad and then show up at the function.

Get on the phone to past hostesses and book parties, shows or whatever your business. Make yourself make 2-3 calls per day. Put it on the calendar.

Go in the internet and research your industry. Find articles that you can learn from.

Go to sales seminars, read sales books and how to books.

Get all of the training that you can from your company. If they run out or you have taken it all, find other sources.

Get on the internet and take advantage of all the free advertising avenues out there. Join groups and free WAHM sites. The more you get your name out there, the better your sales will increase.

Work on your calendar. You need to do this everyday.

Join local groups that you can network at. Again, getting your name out there is crucial for name recognition.

Go back to the chapter on How to Kick Start Your Business and work on some of those items.

Doing these types of things for even a few minutes a day will keep you in the Work At Home mode. It is easy to say, “Oh, I am just going to take today off. Oh and maybe tomorrow too.” Before you know it, you have taken off more time that you have been working and what has that done for your sales? NOTHING! You have to stay in a working frame of mind to be successful.

FREE Leads – Take ‘em Or Leave ‘em

January 13, 2009 · Filed Under Direct Sales Marketing · Comments Off on FREE Leads – Take ‘em Or Leave ‘em 

Deb Bixler, Sales TrainerAnyone who does not have enough business is not taking advantage of the unlimited FREE leads available to them. There is unlimited leads our there and if you do not have enough business then you should take advantage of the free direct sales training available to learn where to find more business.

Here is a starter list of where to find unlimited free leads.

  • Bulletin Boards: Bulletin boards are all over town you can be picking up leads at every mini market, grocery store and bulletin board. This is multi-tasking because you are putting out your marketing material, picking up leads and generating an income tax deduction by logging your mileage to and from everyday errands.
  • Public speaking is one of the best ways to have an unlimited supply of free leads for any business.  It doesn’t matter if you are selling vitamins, coffee, plumbing supplies, or financial services, becoming a free local public speaker will generate business for you and create an unlimited source of FREE leads.  I know that you are probably saying that you hate to stand up in front of people and talk.  Some of you probably say you hate to speak, yet already do it in your direct sales business. Let’s face it, performing an in home demonstration is public speaking.   If you do not have more leads than you can use, then you really deserve to take advantage of public speaking as a lead generation factory. Check out the local clubs. Many of them need fund-raising opportunities and a weekly or monthly speaker. Again, you will be multi-tasking when you make calls to clubs, churches and organizations offering your services as a fund-raiser program and also a speaker.
  • Expos: Most people think of fairs and expos in the traditional sence, Pay to set up a table and network. That is awesome and you should go to a fair or expo at least monthly. It doesn’t always have to be a paid vendor event though. You can go as a guest. Pay your $2 or $7.00 to get in and network with the other guests as well as the vendors from the guest side of the table. It works!
  • Internet: Most direct sales professionals never think about all of the options of networking on the internet. Your own web site is the obvios way and there are hundreds of leads for the taking on the internet. Maybe you are a home décor rep. Have you ever Googled home décor and checked out the possible leads that come up? Are you a company who is looking for professional reps, then try Googling other sales professions like realtors. You will find lists of people who actually answer their phone and may have an interest in your company.

When you take advantage of all of the lead generation sources available to you, then you will never be hurting for sales. This is only a short list of where to find UNLIMITED FREE leads. Check out other ideas at www.CreateACashFlowShow.com

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