Scarecrow Preschool Theme Crafts

October 27, 2008 · Filed Under Kids Crafts, Preschool Lesson Plans & Themes · Comments Off on Scarecrow Preschool Theme Crafts 

by Aunt B

Copyright 2004-2006 Story Soup Kids, a division of Enchanted Corner

Recommended Scarecrow Book Fun

The Little Scarecrow Boy
Written by: Margaret Wise Brown
Summary : Get ready to make some fierce faces while you read this story. A little scarecrow wants very badly to join his father in the field to scare the crows away, but his father warns him time and again that he needs to grow more so he will be able to make fiercer faces and scare the crows. Finally the little scarecrow can wait no more and ventures into the field.

Kids Scarecrow Crafts

Mini Scarecrow


1 lunch bag
1 black marker (permanent)
1 red marker (permanent)
large safety pins
wooden dowel
old clothing kid clothes or baby clothes


Wrinkle grocery sack to “age”-smooth out
Draw eyes and mouth-facial features
Tear newspaper-to stuff head of scarecrow
Tie off each sleeve and pants leg and stuff with newspaper
If you have pants and shirt secure body with large safety pins
Good to use a wooden stick to hold up head by poking stick through neck opening in head and down into the shirt neck opening
(Or a mop or broom handle can be used to protrude through the back of the shirt if you plan to stick it in the ground)
Dress up scarecrow with an old hat, jewelry, gloves, shoes, etc.
Add hair made of cut pieces of yarn (you can cut strips of newspaper, too)

Optional: You can do all of this w/ bigger items adult clothes, grocery bag, etc… You could make a whole family.

Shape Scarecrow

Items you will need:

Precut squares, circles, rectangles
Pieces of straw or hay along (You can continue the shape idea w/ long thin rectangles for hay)
Large sized paper.
Optional : Google Eyes (this just make them look fun)

What to do:

Give the children the opportunity to create their own scarecrows using all the items you provided.

Alteration of this would be to use a paper plate and make a scarecrow head using shapes only.

Scarecrow Cooking with Kids

Scarecrow Cones

Items you will need:

Ice cream cone, vanilla ice cream, toasted coconut or shredded wheat, raisins and candy corn.

Top an ice cream cone with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Add coconut or shredded wheat for the scarecrow’s hair. Add raisins for eyes, candy corn for the nose and cut a raisin for the mouth.

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