Preschool Theme Ocean Crafts and Activities

October 27, 2008 · Filed Under Kids Crafts, Preschool Lesson Plans & Themes · Comments Off on Preschool Theme Ocean Crafts and Activities 

by Aunt B

Copyright 2004-2006 Story Soup Kids, a division of Enchanted Corner

Ocean Creature Crafts for Kids

Rainbow Fish Craft for Kids (foot/thumb print fish)

Light Color Paint
Dark Color Paint
Paint Brush
Construction Paper

Paint your child’s foot with light color paint and have them place a foot print or two on to paper. Once you have cleaned up the child’s foot, have the child take a thumb print with the dark color paint, to make scales on the fish and a thumb print for a fin on the top and the bottom of the fish. Once paint is all dry, go back and make only one thumb print with glue and sprinkle on glitter. You will have a Rainbow Fish when it is all dry.

*Option* You can opt not to put the Rainbow Fish scale on your fish if you do not care for the story.

Jelly Fish Craft

2 Paper Plate
Color Tissue Paper

Color two paper plates, next have your child tear tissue paper into long strands that are about 1 ½ inch to 2 inch in width. Make a hole in the middle of one of the plates and tie a string to it so that when you are done you can hang your Jelly Fish. Next you are going to place your tissue paper strands in between the paper plates spread out about 1 inch a part and staple the paper plates together with the strand of tissue paper in the staple also. Once you are done you should have as many Jelly Fish legs as your child wants. Hang from the string that you place in the middle of the plate.

Octopus Craft

Paper Plate
Tissue Paper
Markers or Paint
Google Eyes

Color or paint a paper plate the color of your choice. Glue 8 pre-cut tissue strips to the back of the paper plate for legs. Glue on google eyes and you have an Octopus.

Star Fish Craft

Card Stock

Cut a star shape out of the card stock. Have your child glue Cheeri-O’s to the star shape. This will look like a bumpy Star Fish.

*Option* Once the glue is dry have your child paint over the Cheeri-O’s.

Fish Bowl Craft

Large Piece of Blue Construction Paper
Green Pipe Cleaners
Gold Fish Crackers
Fruit Loops

Cut your large piece of blue construction paper into a circle. Once you have done that cut about ½ an inch off one side of the circle. This will create a fish bowl look. Next encourage your child to glue fruit loops to the round bottom part of the circle for gravel in the fish bowl. Next glue on green pipe cleaners for plants and lastly add the gold fish crackers.
**Optional purchase the rainbow gold fish crackers**

Recommendation – When doing any food craft I recommend you spray it with hair spray to keep bugs out of it while it is on display and I also recommend you place in a zip lock bag if you plan on keeping this art work as a keepsake. Always remember a great way to preserve art is though film.

Ocean Animals Books for Kids

My Very Own Octopus
by Bernard Most
A boy imagines what fun he would have with a pet octopus.

Fish is Fish
by Leo Lionni
When his friend, the tadpole, becomes a frog and leaves the pond to explore the world, the little fish decides that maybe he doesn’t have to remain in the pond either

by Leo Lionni
A little black fish in a school of red fish figures out a way of protecting them all from their natural enemies

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