Organizing your Photos Part 2

August 4, 2009 · Filed Under Home Office Ideas, Home Organization Ideas · Comments Off on Organizing your Photos Part 2 

Picture of Polaroid PicturesIn the first article of this two part series we talked about organizing the photos you have on your computer. We talked about using folders and placing them in those folders based on the photo.

In this article we will talk about the ways you can organize your printed photos. These photos can be printed from a professional, from a place like Walmart, or from your own printer.

•    Photo Albums

Photo Albums are a great way to organize your photos. You can do a photo album for each of your family members, one for each vacation you go on, or one for each special occasion you have.

Photo Albums have a protective cover that protects your pictures from damage. The cover on the outside also helps protect the pictures on the inside. They have colored covers and they also have ones that allow you to put a photo in the front. You can also find albums that are specific for weddings and other special occasions.

•    Scrapbooks

Scrapbooks are perfect for any occasion. You can create scrapbooks that are themed and do fun things with the pictures, words, and other decorations. You can purchase special paper that goes with your theme along with stickers that have words and pictures in them, and you can include other special things that go along with your theme.

Weddings, birthdays, sporting events, and the birth of a baby are just a few of the occasions that you can create a scrapbook for. They do take a bit of time to create, but the end result will be one that you will enjoy for a life time. They are so much fun to put together and you can let the creative side of you come out.

Scrapbooks are a great way to protect your pictures and make a wonderful book that you will be happy to give away, show to others, or keep for yourself to look at whenever you want.

One advantage to printing your photos and putting them in a book of some type is that you don’t have to worry about your computer crashing and losing all of them. You don’t have to worry about technology changing and you find out you can’t access your photos because the option you chose doesn’t work with your computer.

One disadvantage to not storing your photos online is you run the risk of them being damaged in a flood or fire. Unfortunately you run the risk with just about any option you choose.

So don’t worry about the right or wrong way to store your photos. Decide what will work for you and go with it. You may find that you want to have some online that you can share with others and you may want to create a scrapbook or put some in photo albums to show to others when them come to visit.

Pictures are a great way to remember special occasions or to keep precious memories from ever fading from your memory. You don’t need a special camera or any special software to keep your photos.  Use what you have and what you can afford and you will be happy with the outcome. So take all the pictures you want because you have all the options you want to keep them forever.

Organizing your Photos Part 1

July 14, 2009 · Filed Under Home Office Ideas, Home Organization Ideas · Comments Off on Organizing your Photos Part 1 

Picture of Polaroid PicturesOrganizing your photos is important because you never know when you are going to need to find one. If they are unorganized it could take you forever to find the one you are looking for and that’s not good especially when you are in a hurry.

There are several ways to organize your photos both online and offline. We will talk about ways to organize your photos that are on your computer in this article and then you will see a follow up article that will talk about the ways to organize your photos that are not on your computer.

When you store your photos on your computer there are several different ways to organize them. The great thing about storing your photos online is you don’t have to worry about the color going away, water damage, or a fire destroying your precious photos. But, the downside is you have to worry about your computer being stolen or it crashing. This is why it’s a good idea to save your photos on an external hard drive or online at a site that offers file saving.

First thing you need to do is create a master folder called photos or pictures. Then you create files within that master folder that explain what the pictures are about. You can create a folder called family, one called trip, and one called kids. Whatever your pictures are about is what you need to call your folders. Now you can either put the pictures in the folder or you can break it down even further. If you go even further, you can create a folder called kids and then have folders within that folder with each child’s name.

As you start inserting pictures, you may see a need for more folders and that’s fine. A great advantage to storing your pictures on your computer is you can put them in numerous places. For example if you have two children in the photo and you have folders for each, you can save the photo in both folders.

Another reason why it’s good to save your photos on your computer is that it makes it easier to send them to your family and friends. Almost everyone has a computer and an email so you can send your photos that way instead of spending the money having them developed and then the cost of mailing them out. Plus you have to worry that they could get damaged or lost and never make it to your loved ones.

Having your photos online gives you many different options for things you can do with them. You can create online scrapbooks, collages, screen savers, and desktop backgrounds. You can also make shirts, mugs, mouse pads, and so much more by uploading your photos to an online place like

There are many ways to organize your photos when they are on your computer. There are several advantages to saving them on your computer as well. In the next article we will talk about the ways you can organize your photos offline.

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