Shoulder Exercise and Stretches For Work-At-Home-Moms

August 14, 2009 · Filed Under Healthy Work at Home Mom · Comments Off on Shoulder Exercise and Stretches For Work-At-Home-Moms 

When you are sitting at your desk for several hours at a time there’s a good chance that you are going to create some muscle imbalances. Today we are going to focus on your shoulder and upper back problem areas. The most common problem is the rounding of your shoulders. They become drawn forward and at the same time you develop weaknesses in the muscles between your shoulder blades. This is also common with new mothers who spend a lot of time carrying their children around.

In the video below I will demonstrate two stretches for the front of your shoulders and chest as well as an exercise to strengthen the muscles between your shoulder blades.

The exercise only requires a light weight. 2 1/2 to 5 pounds is sufficient. Remember to hold the squeeze for two to three seconds and really feel those muscles between your shoulder blades working.

When it comes to the stretches you want to ease into the stretch and hold it for ten relaxing breaths. With each breath try to take the stretch a little further. Don’t fight the stretch… relax and allow the muscles to loosen up.

Feel free to perform this exercise three to five times per week. I recommend that you do the stretches daily.

Give it a try and share your progress and feedback with all of us here.

You ROCK! Enjoy the experience,

Scott Tousignant

How To Increase Confidence And Boost Sales

August 11, 2009 · Filed Under Healthy Work at Home Mom, Online Promotion · Comments Off on How To Increase Confidence And Boost Sales 

You have probably heard that incorporating video into the marketing of your home business is a sure way to boost profits. Unfortunately, based on the feedback that I receive from our fellow work-at-home-moms, many of you lack the confidence to step in front of the video camera.

Allow me to show you a simple way to increase your confidence so you can begin to use video and boost your sales. It’s only appropriate that I use video to get this message across 😉

There are multiple ways that using video can boost the profits of your home business. It’s not always easy to measure, but I guarantee that once you begin to use video in your marketing you will experience many of these benefits.

1) Enhanced Relationship With Your Followers and Customers

Video allows you to connect with your followers in a way that writing articles and blog posts can not do. It’s a great way to build trust and provide them with the feeling that they have known you forever.

2) Increased Conversions

Whether you are using video to do a review of an affiliate product or placing it on the sales page of your own products, you are sure to experience an increase in conversions. On my blogs I have noticed that video reviews have converted much higher than written reviews. My followers like to see me with the product in hand and actually doing a demonstration. My endorsement comes across as more genuine as well when I use video.

3) Increased Traffic

When upload your videos to sites like YouTube, Vimeo, or Viddler (just to use as an example. There are many more.) you will get more targeted traffic back to your review pages, websites, or blogs when they click on your links in the video descriptions. Plus videos rank high in the search engines and it could be a great way to leap frog your competition for certain keywords.

O.K. so now we know that video can help boost your sales. Now how do we get you to increase your confidence so you can finally jump in front of the video camera and let your beauty and personality shine?

Simple… incorporate home office fitness into your workday!

When you exercise your body releases endorphins that make you feel happy and feel great!

When you exercise you feel great about yourself because you are taking the steps to improve your health and quality of life.

When you exercise you increase your energy so you can fully engage in fun activities with your children or grandchildren.

When you exercise you increase your productivity, mental performance, and quality of work, therefore getting more done in less time when it comes to your home business tasks. Now you’ll have more time to do the things that make you the happiest.

All of these things combined are guaranteed to boost your confidence. Now that you have this new found confidence I’m expecting to see some videos from you really soon.

It’s not fair to the world when you are hiding behind your computer and not allowing your beauty and unique gifts and talents to shine. We want to see you and feel your passion. Go For IT!

You ROCK! Enjoy the experience,

Scott Tousignant

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