Don’t Let the Phone Frighten You

December 30, 2009 · Filed Under Direct Sales Marketing, Growing Your Business · Comments Off on Don’t Let the Phone Frighten You 

No matter what type direct sales business you’re involved with, a big part of your job is probably using the telephone. Unfortunately, lots of people have a fear of making sales calls. You might find it easy to talk to a customer when they call you. But the mere thought of having to pick up the telephone and call someone to make an appointment or try to sell them something, gets your stomach churning, dries out your mouth and empties your mind of everything you know. Does this sound familiar?

You have two choices. Let your fear of the phone beat you. (Then you might as well quit your job.) OR face your fear, pick up the phone and call someone! Let’s break the fear down into manageable steps and talk about how to banish phone fear from your life forever.

First, look at your work environment. When working in direct sales, you’re the boss. Most direct sales consultants work from home. But you still have to transform your work space into a proper working environment so that it’s more conducive to actual work. Doing so will put you in the right frame of mind to work–mentally. Some direct sales reps put on “business clothes” so they feel more like they’re working, but you don’t have to go that far, unless you want to.

Ideally, a headset with an attached microphone will let you talk with your customers while typing or writing, if you choose. And you won’t get a sore hand from holding the phone for what may be a few hours. But a regular telephone will work, too.

Have pen and paper, product information, objection handling answers, and even sample products within easy reach so you don’t have to go looking for things while you’re on the phone.

Make sure you have a bottle of water to stop your mouth drying out. There’s nothing worse when you’re trying to talk!

And now that your office is set up, there’s no longer an excuse to avoid making those calls.

So, what’s your real fear?

Possibly the fear of rejection? That’s normal because you will get rejected. But that doesn’t matter. Sales is a numbers game. Set yourself up to make a certain number of calls, or to make calls for a specific amount of time. Then don’t stop.

Every rejection makes it more likely that the next call won’t be a rejection. And rejections aren’t personal! You might have called at a bad time. Your customer might already have what you’re selling, or she may simply not be interested. There are a host of reasons for getting a rejection over the phone. None of them should make you more afraid!

don’t be afraid of objections, either. If a customer is asking questions or starting sentences with the word “but,” this is a positive sign that they’re showing interest in what you have to offer.

Explain the benefits of your product. It could make them smarter, stronger, help them cook better meals, smell better, take years off their life, save them money, etc. People want to know if what you’re selling can help make their life easier. The worst that can happen is that they say “no” to you. No big deal. Move on to the next call.

Separating your business psyche from your personal psyche is a skill that’s hard to master, but that can be learned through experience. Before you pick up the phone, determine to have confidence in yourself. You have great products and you’re calling to help your customer. She just doesn’t know it yet.

Be positive, and smile every time you dial. Draw a little smiling face and attach it to, or near, your phone. If you’re smiling, it really does come through in your voice and people will be more likely to want to speak with you.

You can overcome your fear of the telephone. Just never give up. No matter what.

Increase Direct Sales with a Gift Registry

December 23, 2009 · Filed Under Customer Loyalty, Direct Sales Marketing · Comments Off on Increase Direct Sales with a Gift Registry 

There are lots of things you can do to make a sale. Tell someone how useful your products are, how much they’ll be able to use them, offer a discount, or simply tell a customer how reasonably priced a product is.

But what do you do when a customer tells you that they simply don’t have the money to buy your product? This can be hard to work around. A customer can’t give you money she doesn’t have and you can’t make the sale unless she does. There’s not a lot of wiggle room. But don’t lose hope! There is a solution.

You can still make a sale and even do it in a way that doesn’t require your customer to pay a dime. In fact, she’ll ll actually be thankful to you.

How? By creating a simple gift registry for your customers!

There’s a reason department stores and bridal boutiques have been using gift registries since the beginning of time. They’re an excellent way to make a lot of sales in a small amount of time, while giving customers exactly what they want. It’s really a no-brainer. And starting a registry is so easy. You’ll see a drastic increase in your sales in no time!

The first thing that to do is create registry forms that registrants can fill out if they want to sign up for the registry. Create a form in Word or another wordprocesser that has a place for the registrant’s name, address, phone number and email, and other personal information you might need such as sizes. Leave several blank lines where the registrant can write down the items she’d like. And include several more blank links for the names and phone numbers of the registrants’s friends and family who might be interested in buying them a gift from the registry.

You may find it’s best to ask for phone numbers rather than addresses of friends and family. People may feel uncomfortable giving out friends’ addresses, but with a quick phone call, you can explain why you’re calling and offer to mail or email them a copy of the gift registry if they’re interested. This will help you avoid putting someone in an awkward position, and will ensure potential gift buyers won’t perceive your mail to be junk and throw it away.

Tell your customers and prospects about your gift registry and keep plenty of forms on hand for people to sign up. Hand out forms at home parties, create a form on your website, and encourage everyone you know to tell their friends and family that they’ve registered with you.

One of the best things about creating a gift registry is that you’re helping someone who otherwise couldn’t get your products to get what she wants, and you’ve added new prospects to your list of leads.

The next time you run a heavy mail campaign or promotion, you’ll have the names and addresses of people who’ve bought your product before and who will likely be interested in buying again. And you’ll be offering terrific customer service which will increase your value in the eyes of your customers. It’s a win-win situation for everyone concerned!

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