Candle Making Can Be Fun and Profitable for Teens

February 12, 2010 · Filed Under Business Ideas for Teens, Home Based Business Ideas for Moms · Comments Off on Candle Making Can Be Fun and Profitable for Teens 

As a teenager you always want money. Whether it’s for the latest gadget or just to go out and hang out with your friends. If your parents aren’t in a position to be able to give you money every time you want it, why not try setting up a candle making business to earn your own money? Then you can finance the things you want yourself. There’s no doubt your parents would support you in this worthwhile endeavor.

There are two different aspects to the business that you’ll have to learn. Firstly, you’ll need to learn to make the candles. Maybe you have enough money to buy what you need, or you can borrow from someone and then arrange to pay them back. It’s not an expensive business to run unless you really go overboard.

The items you need are: a hot plate or electric stove as your heat source, a “double boiler set-up,” (this can be a large low pot in which you boil water, and an old coffee tin inside which you will melt the wax), wicks, wax, matches, scents and one or more moulds, depending on if you plan to do different shapes. Do some research online to ensure you have the right materials for your needs.

You can run this business by yourself or with friends. It would probably be more fun to do with friends as you’ll spend a lot of time practicing and making candles to get them perfect. Then, if you’re successful, you’ll be making more all the time, so if the work is shared, it’s more enjoyable. Become an expert candle maker. Internet research can teach you everything you need to know. The more you know, the more likely it is that people will trust you enough to make a purchase.

The second aspect of the business is to actually make sales. You have plenty of different ways to try. Then you can see what works best and focus on that market. Your options include: advertising on your own website, selling them on eBay, check out forums where candle makers gather to share knowledge and check out other candle maker Websites for ideas. You will learn valuable tricks to getting sales through advertising online,

Send emails to all your friends and family and explain what you’re doing. Instead of trying to sell to them, ask if they know anyone who would like to buy these fantastic candles. It’s an old sales trick that takes the pressure off them; yet offers them the chance to buy some themselves. Consider giving them a small commission on any sales they make for you. Word of mouth is the cheapest form of advertising. Advertise on your Facebook Page so your friends can see pictures of some of your work.

Place ads in the local paper and in shop windows. You can try wholesaling to shops that sell similar products. They already have a reputation for quality and if you can use that to your advantage, then don’t let it go. Get business cards and hand them out to people. There are seasons where candles sell well. Christmas is a prime example. You could get a stall at the local weekend market. If you become a regular there, people will get to know you and your products and you can get lots of repeat business.

The bottom line with this business is that it’s cheap to set up and run. You can educate yourself from online material and through lots of practice. With some solid effort, any determined teenager can become successful.

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