Patriotic 4th of July Preschool Theme Crafts

October 27, 2008 · Filed Under Kids Crafts, Preschool Lesson Plans & Themes · Comments Off on Patriotic 4th of July Preschool Theme Crafts 

by Aunt B

Copyright 2004-2006 Story Soup Kids, a division of Enchanted Corner

4th of July Crafts and Art for Kids

Patriotic Flag Craft – Hand Print Art

Red, Blue and White paint
Brown Paint
Paint brush for each color
*Optional: Baby wipes for easy clean up.*

Have your child hold their hand up with their fingers together, thumb out. Paint your child’s thumb brown. Paint a small square on the palm near the pinky finger base blue. Paint the pinky and middle finger red and the ring and pointer finger white. Make a hand print on the paper. You should have an USA flag. Use baby wipes to help for quick clean up.

Fireworks Craft for Kids

Black Construction Paper

Using the q-tips, paint all over your paper with the glue. Next sprinkle on the glitter. Shack off excess glitter and you have beautiful fire works picture.

Firecracker Treat Craft

Toilet Paper Roll
Red, Blue or White Wrapping Paper
Red, Blue or White Ribbon
A small treat for in side – candy, stickers, small car, small doll etc…
Clear Tape
Optional: Markers

Fill the toilet paper roll with the small treat. Using the tape, anchor down the paper to the toilet paper roll. Continue to wrap it around the roll and secure it with another small piece of tape. Tie off both ends with a piece of ribbon. Depending on what kind of paper you used your child can use markers to decorate this little firecracker treat.

Tin Star Punch

Aluminum Pie Plate
Sharpie Marker
Star Cookie Cutter or Star shape Stencil
Tracing Paper

Cut out a piece of paper the same size as the inside of the pie plate. Next trace the star shape in the center of the paper using your pencil. Place the paper inside the pie plate and with a sharpie marker make dots about 1/4th inch apart. When you lift the paper your dots should have gone through. (If they did not try this with a piece of tissue paper.) Next you are going to take a nail and a hammer and punch out the dots to make holes in your pie tin. When you are done add an additional hole at the top and string yarn through the hole to make a hanger for your new Tin Star Punch.

4th of July Books for Kids

Happy 4th of July, Jenny Sweeney
by Leslie Kimmelman
As Jenny rides her bike through town on the Fourth of July, she sees the townsfolk preparing for the parade, fishing, showing off newly acquired citizenship papers, and enjoying a picnic. The mayor gives her speech, and the parade begins: “Let the celebration start! / Everybody plays a part.” Jenny ends her day in the park watching fireworks with her parents.

The Fourth of July Story
by Alice Dalgliesh
The thirteen colonies unite in the desire for independence, select Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence, and carry the news of independence across the colonial settlements

Let’s Get Ready for Independence Day (Welcome Books: Celebrations)
by Lloyd G. Douglas
A young girl explains the meaning of Independence Day and describes how she and her family celebrate the Fourth of July.

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