25 Gifts Of Comfort For Mom

December 12, 2008 · Filed Under Christmas Crafts for Kids · Comments Off on 25 Gifts Of Comfort For Mom 

Glowing with turquoise photo credit: magerleagues

If your mom is like the average mom she’ll probably say, “don’t get me anything.” She is much more worried about her children getting gifts than getting them herself. But, in reality she could sure use some stress relieving comforting gifts to help her get through the holiday season and to make her new year a little brighter.

So, what are some comforting gifts that you can buy mom that are sure to win you a few brownie points? Here are 25 great ideas:

1. A new pair of house shoes. What mom doesn’t love a comfy, warm, soft pair of house shoes. After all we spend a ton of time around the house and we need something to keep our toes warm.

2. A package of new white socks. Because quite frankly we can’t find ours. They are lost in the bottom of the clothes basket, or they’ve been eaten by that mysterious sock monster. I swear, where do all those nice clean white socks go?

3. Some fleece pajamas. Nothing says comfort like some cuddly warm fleece pjs. As moms we need something to comfort our tired bones after a long day and these will do just the trick.

4. Bubble bath. Two words that will make any moms eyes glaze over as they day dream of the “chance” to actually use the stuff and take a nice hot, long bubble bath, without being interrupted of course.

5. Candles, the kind that smell so good you think you might could eat them. These help us to give the illusion that our house smells like we’ve been baking all day. This is not only a comforting gift but it’s thoughtful too.

6. A new photo album. Because every mom wants to show off her kids, right? And the perfect photo album is one hand picked by the kids in question.

7. A nice warm robe. Let’s face it these things wear out faster than we’d like and to keep from looking too tired, grumpy and shall we say frumpy then we need to keep one that is not tattered and torn.

8. A book. A good read is always comforting to a mom. Don’t forget to give her time to actually enjoy it. (Maybe Dad can help with this.)

9. A gift card. So she can go shop, whether it be at Starbucks or the local gift shop, she’ll be able to shop without thinking about how she’s going to pay for it.

10. A free night of babysitting. If you’re a teenager think about helping mom out by watching the little ones. You could just donate for free yourself as a babysitter for a night so that mom can either go out with dad or just go for that soak in the tub we mentioned earlier.

11. A journal. So we can record our thoughts and share our lives with you, so that one day when we’re gone you can go back and read them.

12. A bottle of her favorite perfume. Because its the one thing we never seem to get to buy for ourselves. We like to smell good and you want us to smell good too.

13. A new planner. So we can keep up with all the busy-ness of next year. I’m sure you’ll keep us running, and it will keep us semi-sane.

14. Her favorite flavored coffee with a really cool coffee mug. She will enjoy brewing up a cup, and she’ll think of you while she’s drinking it.

15. A neckwrap. You can buy these that have smell of lavender, heat up and can soothe and comfort your mom’s tired muscles.

16. A foot massager. You know the one. It uses warm water to soak your feet in and they massage them at the same time. What a way to comfort your mom and tell her how much she means to you this holiday.

17. A new pillow. Whether you go all out and get the fancy kind or just a new one from the department store a new pillow can help your mom sleep better at night. (Don’t forget a pretty pillow case)

18. A sound machine. These are great little gadgets that help your mom get a better night’s sleep, as she is soothed to sleep by the sound of a running river, the ocean or the sounds of the night.

19. A trip to the spa. She will surely be excited as she gets a day to relax and rejuvenate with a massage or a pedicure and a manicure. A little bit of everything might be appreciated, too.

20. A CD from her favorite artist. She is sure to love relaxing to her favorite tunes.

21. Cook for her. What mom doesn’t want a night off from slaving in the kitchen. Cooking her a great meal and don’t forget to clean up afterward. That would be a wonderful gift.

22. Pay for her to have her hair done. Every mom loves the way she feels after a trip to the salon and it’s even better when it is already paid for.

23. Take her to a movie. She loves spending time with you and sharing an afternoon or night at the movies is a wonderful way to do so. Just make sure it’s a movie that she will enjoy, too.

24. Write her a poem. Anything that is from your heart is going to be music to her ears. Put it in an inexpensive picture frame for an extra special gift.

25. Say I Love You. Even if you don’t buy her anything, telling your mom you love and appreciate her is going to be a wonderful comfort to her.

So, make the extra effort to give mom something from your heart this year, even when she tells you not to worry about it.

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