Snowman Preschool Theme Crafts

Written by Nicole Dean

by Aunt B

Copyright 2004-2006 Story Soup Kids, a division of Enchanted Corner

Snowman Crafts for Kids

Snowman Sweatshirts

White sweatshirt / t-shirt
Black Fabric Paint
Orange Fabric Paint
Brown Fabric Paint

Your white sweatshirt is the background of your snowman. Using your fingers tips dip them in black fabric paint and make eyes and a coal mouth in the center of the sweatshirt. Using your whole finger did it into the orange fabric paint to create a carrot nose. On the bottom off to the sides use the brown to draw stick arms coming up from the bottom of your shirt.

Everyone will want an original Snowman Sweatshirt soon.

Melting Snowman

Wax Paper
Wood Bead
Black Felt
Black Sharpie
Orange Sharpie
Scrap Material

On the wood bead you will need to draw a face with the black sharpie and orange sharpie (for the carrot nose). Next you will need to cut a rectangle and a square out of your black felt. Fold the rectangle into a circle, gluing the two ends together. Once you have done this snip small 2 or 3 cm snips into one end of the circle. Glue that end onto the square to form a hat. With the scrap felt you have left you can cut out ovals and then cut one end off to make them look like mitten. Next you will need to place your wax paper out and squeeze a blob of glue out onto the wax paper. Place the bead in the middle along w/ the black hat, black mittens and a scrap of thin material for the scarf. Leave to dry, when dry it will look like the snowman melted.

Snowman Palm

White Paint
Light Blue Paper
Black Paper
Orange Scrap Paper
Black Marker
Paint Brush

Paint only the palm of your hand. Place the palm print down on paper. Do this three times, one on top of the other. Next either cut out a black hat and orange carrot nose out of paper or wait until paint is dry and draw them on. Don’t forget to draw on the stick arms you can also use real twigs for the arms if you choose.

Recommended Snowman Books to read

The Snowman
Written by: Briggs, Raymond
This wordless picture book demands that you create the words to the story but the illustrations are a story all of their own.

The Biggest, Best Snowman (Young Hippo Animal S.)
Written by: Cuyler, Margery
Little Nell wants to be able to do everything that bigger people do but she is always told that she is too small. She decides to head out into the woods and play with her friends, Reindeer, Hare, and Bear Cub. They encourage her to try to build a big snowman which she succeeds in doing with the help of all her animal friends.

Cooking with Kids
Snowman Toast

Softened Cream Cheese
Fruit Roll Up
Circle Cookie Cutter

After you have toasted your bread using your circle cookie cutter cut bread.
Have your child spread on the softened cream cheese to create the snow then add the snowman features using the raisins and carrots. Cut the fruit roll up into strips to create a scarf. Enjoy this fun treat.


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