Should You Be Recruiting Online?

Written by Nicole Dean

Asclepias speciosa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaBeing able to recruit online has really opened the door for those in direct sales to build large sales teams. Since communicating through the world wide web is a lot different then communicating face to face, make sure that you are doing the best thing for both your business and the business of your prospects.

First of all it is important to be completely honest with your potential recruits. You are probably very excited about the opportunity your company provides but don’t try and make it sound like your company is the only company out there that is profitable. Simply provide them with the fact and allow them to ask as many questions as they need to make them comfortable joining your company. Do share how excited you are about what you are selling because enthusiasm is infectious.

Once you have decided to pursue online recruiting you will need to make yourself available to your prospects and future recruits. Technology has given us so many avenues to communicate so pick a couple you are comfortable with whether it is through email, chat rooms, instant messages or phone and provide your prospects with your contact information. Nothing would be worse than to have wonderful conversations through email with a potential sponsor and then never hear from them again once you’ve signed up. Think of using an auto-responder to feed your team training emails so they feel like you are interested in them and their business. If you cannot offer a certain level of supportiveness to online recruits, you are not likely to be successful building a team in this manner.

Another thing to remember while recruiting online is not to knock other companies. Always remain positive about your product and never speak badly of another representative. You want to present yourself in a professional manner and that is not going to happen if you’re making statements like “You won’t make any money at all with Company X” or “Company B has such lousy products and the commissions are horrible.”

Don’t be pushy but do be available. If you are planning to recruit consultants to your direct sales company, please make sure they don’t have a policy against it. Some direct sales companies will only allow you to recruit face-to-face. By keeping these things in mind you will have an easier time while you are trying to build your sales team online. And don’t forget to have a solid plan in place before you begin searching online for your future sales team and you are sure to be successful.

photo credit: jakesmome


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