Recommended Reading for Growth

Written by Mary Lutz

I have read many, many books in my lifetime, some fiction novels, some based on a true story, and some Christian self-help books. Since beginning my journey as a Christian back in 1997, reading books with solid Christian principals and guidelines has really helped me grow in confidence, spiritually, emotionally and in business! Below are the books I have read through the years and why I highly recommend reading them:

  • The Confident Woman, by Joyce Meyer:

Joyce Meyer is an amazing speaker and writer. In The Confident Woman, she helps you understand why we as women lack confidence and how to overcome it, with God’s help and love.

  • Wild at Heart by John Eldredge:

One of my favorite authors. His eloquent, descriptive writing makes you feel like your right on the mountain top, overlooking the river below, with the breeze blowing in your hair. In Wild at Heart he also helps you understand how and why God created the male species the way he did. It’s a really great book for women to read, as well as men.

  • Secret of the Vine by Bruce Wilkinson:

This was third in a series of books for me. It started with The Prayer of Jabez, which was really popular in the early 2000’s, and then I read the Prayer of Hanna which is recommended below. The Secret of the Vine talks about abiding in the Vine (which is Jesus) and how we wither and die if we are broken apart from the Vine. This book changed my Christian walk.

  • The Prayer of Hannah by Kenn Gividen:

The Prayer of Hannah describes how she prayed for a child and how God answered her prayer. Great book for any woman or girl.

  • The Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian:

Stormie talks about how powerful praying is for women, not only for their families and others but for themselves as well. She shows you how to draw closer to God, discover His plans and purposes for your life, and receive comfort, help and strength for everyday life.

  • The Battle of the Mind by Joyce Meyer:

I read this book in the very beginning of my Christian walk. Joyce’s insight and understanding of God’s workings and creation, really helps you overcome depression, anxiety, habits, addictions, and hang ups.

  • Extravagant Worship:

Extravagant worship was written by Darlene Zschech in 2001. Darlene is the worship leader for Hillsong Church in Sydney Australia and also the writer of the most popular worship song of the time, “Shout to the Lord”. Darlene shows us that worship is more than lifting our hands in worship to God, but that worshipping God is something we do every day with our lives.

  • A Call to Die by David Nasser:

My husband and I heard Mr. Nassar speak at a National Youth Worker’s Convention in Pittsburgh, PA, the year we were married, 2005. In a Call to Die, he tells us why dying to self in important and how to do it, with scripture, prayer and study.

  • Captivating by John and Staci Elderidge:

Every woman should read this. As John wrote in Wild at Heart about God’s creation, man, he and Staci write about God’s next creation, woman. Staci really gets to the heart of understanding women and why God created us the way he did.

  • The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman:

A must read for every person! After reading The Five Love Languages you will understand how to communicate love to others so that they feel loved. Not everyone speaks the same love language, and Gary shows you how to determine yours and how to know how to speak someone else’s love language.

  • A Leader in the Making by Joyce Meyer:

Another great book by Joyce (told you she was an awesome author!) Joyce teaches us to find your calling, determine your spiritual gifting, develop your God-given potential, empower your dreams through effective action, and live a balanced life.

  • The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren:

I read this book as part of a bible study in church. The Purpose Driven Life will help you understand why you are alive and God’s amazing plan for you.

  • The Battle Belongs to the Lord by Joyce Meyer:

Joyce again teaches us how to give our battles up to God. Battles in our everyday life that keeps us from experiencing the fullness of life God purposes us to have. This book also changed my walk with Christ.

  • 101 Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged by Wright, H. Norman and Gary Oliver:

When my hubby and I were dating, we studied this book together as a couple. It really helps you open up to each other with some of the touchier subjects, like finances, raising children, and personality issues. It also helps you get to know your potential marriage partner, see any red flags that may need to be worked out or that may help you see why you shouldn’t marry this person, before you walk down the aisle.

  • Sacred Romance by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge:

Both authors show a glimpse of God’s heart in Sacred Romance. I recommend this book for anyone wanting to deepen their relationship with God no matter where they are in their spiritual walk.

  • Journey of Desire by John Eldredge:

We are all given desires by God. And God desires us to love Him and live for Him. John takes us on this journey of discovering God’s heart and love for us in Journey of Desire. Everyone wanting to fulfill their heart’s desire should read this.

  • A More Excellent Way, Be in Health by Henry W. Wright:

I am currently reading this book, but I have found it so compelling and helpful. Pastor Wright teaches us the root of disease and how to be healed of all disease, no matter how small or big the disease is.

  • Boy Meets Girl by Josh Harris:

Josh Harris is most famous for his book I Kissed Dating Goodbye; however I did not read it. I did read Boy Meets Girl though when I was single and loved it. Josh really shows how courting helps us stay pure until marriage and how to he waited for his wife. I recommend Boy Meet Girl for teens, singles or parents.

  • Choosing God’s Best by Don Raunikar:

Another great book my hubby and I studied together before we got married. Don helps us understand the difference between dating and courtship and why courting works to help us stay pure and find the man or woman that is meant for us. I recommend this book for teenagers, singles and parents.

  • 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper:

This was recommended to read by a lady from the Methodist Church when Jeff and I were attending there when we were still dating. It is a true and amazing story of dying, coming back and living to tell about it.

I hope you take some time to browse these books on Amazon or in your local bookstore. They really are worth reading and have helped me overcome low self esteem, fear and shyness. They have also helped me be a better wife, mother and leader. I know you will be just as blessed.


One Response to “Recommended Reading for Growth”

  1. Tracy Roberts says:
    December 25th, 2008 12:44 am

    Great list, Mary.
    I’ve read several and there are a few that I’m putting on my library list soon.


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