Letters of the Alphabet

Written by Nicole Dean

by Aunt B

Copyright 2004-2006 Story Soup Kids, a division of Enchanted Corner

Letter A

Letter A – Apple Printing

Paper Plates

Parent can cut an apple in half. Place a small amount of paint into a paper plate. Have child dip apple half into paint and make apple prints.

Paint your child’s hand green and arm brown. Make a print on paper. Next add apple prints to the hand/arm print like an apple tree.

Letter B

Letter B – Bus

Yellow Paper
Black Paper
Glue Stick

Cut out 2 black wheels and 3 small squares and 1 large square, for windows. Have your child glue them the wheels on to the bottom of the yellow paper. Next glue the small squares in a straight line at the top leaving enough room for the big square at one end. You can also cut out one small black circle for a headlight if you would like. Have your child write the word BUS on the side of the bus. If your child can not right you write it in light pencil and have your child write on top. (Added touch – round the corners of the yellow paper)

Letter C

Letter C – Cutting Cookies

Black Marker
Child Scissors
Beige Paper
Brown Paper
Glue Stick

Draw a circle with the black marker on beige paper. Draw smaller circles on brown paper. Have your child cut out the circles. The circles do NOT need to be perfect for most cookies are not perfect. Glue the brown “chocolate chips” on the beige “cookie:”

Letter D

D – Daisy Hands

White Paint
Yellow Paint
Blue Paper

Paint your child’s fingers only with white paint. Make a print on the paper of your child’s fingers. Do this again and again until you have a circle of white finger prints. Once you do on the last set of prints paint the palm of your child’s hand yellow along with the white fingers. Place the last print down and you will have a daisy.

Letter E Craft

Letter E – Egg

Water Colors
Water Color Paper
Scissors (for Parent)

Cut an egg shape out of the water color paper. Have your child water color the paper to create a Dyed Easter Egg.

Letter F

F – Feet Fun

Roll of Kraft Brown Paper (shipping paper)
Paint of Any Color
Paint Brush
Baby Wipes

Lay down the paper. Paint your child’s feet with paint. Have your child hold on to your hands as they “Walk” across the paper. They can turn around and walk back until the paint is all gone on their feet. Repeat this as many times as you want. Use baby wipes to make clean up easier. Wipe your child’s feet with them.

*You can use this paper for wrapping a gift.

Letter G

G – Grapes

Purple Paint or Ink Pad
Baby Wipes (easy clean up)

Let your child use the paint or ink to make thumb or finger prints to form a grape bunch. Use a baby wipe for quick clean up.

Letter H

H – Home/House

Large Appliance Box
Markers or Paint

Using the large appliance box let your child color or paint the walls of the box. Encourage your child to use there imagination to create a home/house out of their own box.

Letter I

I – Ice Painting

Dry Tempera Paint

Use ice to add the water to a dab or two of dry tempera paint. As the ice melts it will turn the dry paint into liquid paint. Encourage your child to mix colors using the dry paint. Talk about how the ice feels while your child paints.

Don’t have Dry Tempera Paint, try dry cool-aid.

Letter J

J – Jeans

Strips of Old Jeans (Parent should pre cut the strips)
Card Stock Cut out of the letter J

Glue strips of jeans to the J shape to create a jean J.

Letter K

K – Key Chime

Old Keys
Fishing Line
Hanger or Pipe

Using the old keys help your child tie pieces of the fishing line to the keys. Tie the other end of the fishing line to the hanger or pipe. Be sure to hang them at different lengths but close enough to hit each other to create the “chime.”

Letter L

L –Ladybugs

Black Crayon
Red Crayon
2 Small Paper Plate
Black Circle Sticker (labels)
1 Brad

Have your child color one paper plate red and one black. Next place the black sticker circle labels on the red paper plate. Once done, cut the red paper plate in half, using the brad, connect the three pieces (one whole plate and 2 half plates) at the top of one the whole plate. This will leave you with a lady bug with wings that can open and close.

Letter M

M – Marble Painting

Box – (AVON box lid works great)
Paint Any Color

Place paper in the box and dip a drop or 2 of paint on the paper. Place the marble into the lid and tilt the box back and forth to get the marble to roll around. You can add more colors to create different colors. Try golf balls for a different look.

*Option for 2 and Under*
Use a Cool Whip container to hold a small piece of paper, paint and a marble. Let your child shack the container all around. You will get the same turn out.

Letter N

N – Noodle Paint

Spaghetti Noodles
Linguini Noodles
Lasagna Noodles

Cook the noodles, let them cool, dip the noodle into paint and drag it across the paper. Each noodle will leave a different print.

You can do this with uncooked noodles it is just harder to handle.

Letter O

O – Octopus

Paint Brush
Baby Wipes (easy clean up)
Googly Eyes

Paint only the fingers and a palm NO THUMB of your child’s hands. Make a print of your child hands with the palms on top of one another. This will give you a print with 8 fingers sticking out. Just like legs to an octopus. Add some googly eyes and you have a silly octopus.

Letter P

P – Pickle Painting

Large and Small Pickles
Knife (for Parent Use)
Small Plates

Parent should cut the tip of the pickle off and place that open end down into paint that you have placed on to a small paper plate. Next encourage your child to pick up the pickle and make prints on his plate with it. If you feel like making a mess have your child roll a pickle in paint then roll it on paper.

Letter Q

Q – Queen

Construction Paper
Glue Stick
Child Scissors

Give your child a square 4 x 4 piece of paper and help your child round the corners. This will be your Queen’s face. Next give your child a rectangle piece of paper and have them cut V’s out of the long side of the rectangle. This will create a Crown for your Queen. Next have your child cut long strips of paper for hair to go onto your Queen. Once you have all the parts have your child glue together a Queen using markers to create the face.

Letter R

R – Pet Rock

Large Rock
Googly Eyes

Take the large rock and paint it. Use markers to draw on a face. Glue the googly eyes and use yarn for the pet rock’s tail.

Letter S

S – Snake

Old Tie
Dried Beans
Hot Glue Gun (Parent will use)
Red Felt

Parent needs to hot glue the small end of the tie closed. Once the hot glue has cooled your child may start adding dry beans. While they are doing that the Parent can cut a fork shape out of the red felt for a snake tongue. When the tie is full of beans the Parent will need to glue the red felt tongue to the top of the larger opened end of the tie (on the inside) so it sticks out. Then seal the end with glue. The tie should be completely sealed with glue. To be sure that it does not break later take and glue the seam of the snake(tie) also.
You can add googly eyes to give your snake a silly character.

Letter T

Coming Soon

Letter U

U – Umbrella

Construction Paper
Circular Object
Pipe Cleaner

Trace the circular object with a pencil. Have your child cut out the circle. Fold the circle in half and cut along the fold. This will give you two umbrella tops. Next take your pipe cleaner and bend it into a “J” shape. Glue the “J” shape to the back of your half circle and you have an umbrella.

Letter V

V – Vase

Masking Tape
Empty “GLASS” Salad Dressing Bottle
Rubber Gloves
Shoe Polish (blue or brown)
Old Rag

Using small strips of masking tape; cover your bottle completely. After this step is done you will need to put gloves on. Using the old rag rub shoe polish onto the bottle you just taped up. This will give your bottle a very neat “VASE” look.

Letter W

W – Watermelon

Pink Paper
Green Paper
Black Circle Stickers
Glue Stick

Draw a triangle on the pink paper. Have your child cut out the triangle. Have your child cut a strip of green to glue at the bottom of your triangle. Place black stickers on the pink portion of the triangle. You will have a nice slice of watermelon when you are done.

Letter X

X – Ray

Black Construction Paper

Have your child trace their hand or foot with the white chalk on the black paper. Next have them draw in what they think their bones look like.

Get a real X-Ray of a hand or foot for your child to look and compare. A picture from a book would work also.

Letter Y

Y – Yarn Painting

Paper Plate
(Clothes Pin)

Place a small amount of paint on a paper plate. Cut yarn to be different lengths. Have your child place the yarn in the paint getting it covered w/ paint. Next drag the yarn over paper. Do this with different paint colors.

If you have a child who does not like to get their hand dirty add a clothes pin to one end of the yarn. Then have the child pick up the yarn using the clothes pin and their fingers will stay clean.

Letter Z

Z – Zig Zag Fun

Rick Rack Trim
Card Stock

Have your child use the zig zag rick rack trim to create a Z zig zag style.


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