Kaizen, I’ll Take 2 To Go!

Written by Jan Ferrante

Do you go through the day feeling like today isn’t much different from another… from yesterday… last week… tomorrow?

Do your days all seem rolled into one, doing the same thing over and over?

Do you struggle because you don’t seem to be getting anywhere for all of your efforts?

I have one word for you.

One word that can literally change your life if you apply it.

Are you ready?

Here it is…


Maybe it’s not new to you, maybe it is.

It doesn’t really matter unless you have been applying it daily.

If that’s the case, you already know it’s power.

If not, today is your lucky day.


It sounds like something that goes good with mustard.

But it’s far better than something to eat, even chocolate!

Kaizen is a Japanese word that means ‘continual improvement’.


I know, it sounds like just another same old, same old productivity trick, another catch phrase that sounds good, but that is never going to happen to you.

First, of course it isn’t going to happen TO you, you have to make it happen.

That goes for anything.

Second, continual improvement means just that, and that’s the good part. It doesn’t have to happen overnight.

That’s a load off!

The good news is that Kaizen is done in small steps. Baby steps. Tiny teeny little steps that take you forward.

Some say a 1% improvement, done over time, is enough.

The trick is that it needs to be every day.


The best part is that you can apply to every area of your life.

Somehow giving it a name makes it that much better.

Trying to lose weight or get healthy?

Do your exercises today and say to yourself – KAISEN!

Tired of a messy house? Dreaming of something better?

Do you housework for 45 minutes, look around, feel how nice it is, and then shout it out – KAIZEN Momma!

Want to make more money if you work at home?

Schedule one time slot… 30 – 60 minutes as your schedule allows… to do something that will show an improvement in your business – and you guessed it – KAISEN!


There is one rule.

If you want to get ahead, do Kaizen daily, in every area that you want to see improvement.

It can be one small step. As small as making sure your dishwasher is empty before the herd comes home, thinking they will be leaving their dirty dishes on the counter again today. NOT!

Just tell them Kaizen. You will be doing them a big favour by teaching it to them and showing them how it’s done.

It can be as small as taking a walk, if you already do that, run a bit.

Take it up a notch, what ever you are doing. A little bit at a time.

It can be as small as choosing one time during the day, every day, to do Kaizen in your business.

Just ask yourself, what is one thing that I can do today to make it better than it was yesterday.

So what’s up?

What are waiting for.

Kaizen! Hold the mayo.


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