Is your Master Bathroom an Unorganized Mess? Part 1

Written by Corrie Petersen

bathroom-sinkBathrooms can be one of the hardest rooms to keep clean and well organized. Even though they are one of the ones that should be, often times this room is left behind in the organizing process.

As a woman, have you gone into the bathroom first thing in the morning to get ready to go and found a mess because your kids were looking for a new bar of soap? Or maybe you couldn’t find your makeup because your husband was in there looking for his razor. This is not a good thing when you are on a schedule and only have a certain amount of time to get ready.

After this happens to you once, you will be ready to follow these steps to organize your bathroom so it won’t happen again. These tips will help you put everything in the appropriate place and you will feel so much better.

•    Sink area

We will start with the sink area. Usually the medicine cabinet is the messiest place in the bathroom. It’s a spot that is hidden by a door so everything gets shoved in there. Don’t let this happen. Your medicine cabinet should be for medicine, deodorant, Band-Aids, medicine for burns or cuts, pain relievers, and floss. Don’t stuff your cabinet full of things. You want to be able to reach into it and not have everything fall out.

Next is your sink top. Things have a tendency to be left on the counter when you are in a hurry. If you give yourself an extra few minutes, you can put everything in its place. Get yourself a cup for your toothbrushes and toothpaste. They can sit in the corner of your counter and be out of the way. The only other thing that should be on the counter is a bar or container of soap.

Next thing is the drawers and cupboard under your sink. The cupboard is a good place to store your toilet brush, cleaners, and extra toilet paper. These items will be out of the way but easily accessible when they are needed. In the drawers you can store your curling irons, blow dryer, brushes, combs, and a bag of curlers.

•    Toilet area

This area seems to be a problem area for more than one reason. Things seem to pile up on the back of the toilet for some reason. It’s like it’s the most convenient spot for miscellaneous items. This should not be the case. One thing you can do is purchase one of those cabinets that go around the toilet to store these items. On the back of the toilet, you should have a box of Kleenex.

If you need to have one of those cabinets, there are several things you can put in there to clean up and organize your bathroom. This is a good place to put an extra roll or two of toilet paper, your tooth brush and toothpaste if you have room and can get them off the counter, and lotions and extra soap containers.

When your bathroom is an unorganized mess, you need all the help you can get to make it work better for you. These are just two of the four areas that need to be organized. Stay tuned for part two of this series where we talk about the closet and bathtub.


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