How Teens Can Make Money Building Websites

Written by admin

If you’re a teenager and have the necessary skills, you could run a teen website building business and make some really good money. Obviously, you’ll need to have your own computer and a good Internet connection, but not much more. You could do this by yourself or with a friend, depending on the skills you have.

Nowadays, most teenagers have some degree of computer knowledge, but that’s different from actually creating a website for someone. you’ll need to know HTML and other coding so you can create the different elements of a website. There are several user-friendly, “template sites” that you can use as the basis for your designs so you don’t have to start from scratch.

You do need to learn how to alter colors, make page elements appear in the right place and on the relevant pages of a site. You need to understand website navigation and learn how to create a proper navigation process so visitors to a site can find what they want easily. But if you have these skills already, you’re in a great position and ready to start. If not, you can take a local or online website design course to learn the skills needed in just a short time.

There is also the written content elements to the website. you’ll have to plan what information should appear on each page. If your customer supplies the information, that makes it easier for you. If not, you’ll have to write information yourself and have her check it for accuracy. If you’re not confident in writing material like this, there’s plenty of free information available online to teach you how to write good website content so you don’t produce material that isn’t professional.

A website business can be run with low overhead if you’re not investing in expensive programs to work with. This enables you to keep the charges down and remain competitive in a very competitive field.

Having a website of your own is mandatory. If you don’t, then potential customers will wonder why you don’t have a site when that is supposed to be your business.

Having a site of your own enables you to create a portfolio of your work as you build your business. The more satisfied customers you have, the better the chances are of getting more work. You have to keep in mind that your site needs to have a professional look and function perfectly because customers will test your navigation, content and other aspects to help them determine if you’ll do a good job for them.

Spread the word about your new business venture. Use every avenue you can think of and find more options as you go. Advertise offline and online. Email everyone you know and ask for referrals. Advertise on free classifieds sites and in relevant forums. Join these forums so you can learn more about your business at the same time.

Post flyers around town. Hand out business cards. Offer to do a free one or two page site for a local charity in return for a link on the bottom of their pages. Ask your parents to let their business colleagues know that you build sites and try to get jobs that way. Building any business requires some work, and a website business is no exception. But the work can be fun and the profit can be tremendous.

If you follow this guide on how to start a teen website building business, you’ll be on the path to success and—with some hard work and perseverance—you can have a thriving business before you know it.


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