Hints To Booking Shows On Specific Days

Written by Annette Yen

If you are like me, you have a life outside of your direct sales business which means that you often need to stick to a schedule because of kids’ activities, husband’s job and other responsibilities and just, well, life!  Trying to fit a direct sales business into your busy life isn’t always that easy especially when you now have to factor in the schedules of your hostesses and guests.

Here are a few tips for booking shows on the days that YOU want them so you can lower your stress level and enjoy your life and your business.

1.  Plan ahead.  Sit down with your family and mark up your calendar with any and everything that is upcoming on the schedule.  Pull in your husband’s work schedule, the kids’ sports and other activities, your girls night out plans, vacations and everything. As much as possible write all of this down on your master calendar.

2.  Determine what days of the week you want to do shows.  It’s that simple.  If only Tuesday nights work because of other things than determine that that will be your show night and stick to it.  Mark those down on your calendar too even though you don’t specifically have anything booked.  This helps to communicate to your family that it’s a work night for you no matter what, just like everything else you’ve scheduled.

3.  Use the party date card system or open date calendar system.  Put your available party dates on a master calendar or on individual party date cards and at each of your events or anytime you are making booking call make it clear that those are the nights you have available.  Make it clear when you’re doing your booking talk that your schedule is very full (it is!) but you have limited but specific dates still open and pass around the calendar or the party cards and have the potential hosts fight over which date they can have you!

If you’re dealing with someone who absolutely cannot host a show on the night that you’ve got scheduled you have a couple of options… make an exception (check with your family first!) or pass the party on to another consultant on your team who does work on that date.  It’s a great way to help your team members grow and still benefit you as well!


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