Frugal Holiday Decorating Ideas

Written by HBHW

Are you ready for some more holiday ideas? Today we’ll talk about frugal holiday decorations. By the way, I’m Susanne – aka the Hillbilly Housewife and Nicole is nice enough to allow me to post on her blog this week and I’ve been having a great time sharing a few of my favorite frugal holiday tips.

Basket Of PineconesKeep It Simple

You don’t have to do a lot of fancy holiday decorating. Some simple little things will turn your home from plain to ready for the holidays.  Take a look at this basket of pine cones for example. Use a basket you have, or get an inexpensive one and then go out in the woods and grab some pine cones and pine needles.

Keep your holiday cards, then string a ribbon across the top of your fireplace, a wall in the kitchen etc. and clip your card to the ribbon with clothespins for an instant holiday touch.  Arrange a few candles on a large plate and scatter a few ornaments or more pine needles and cones around it for a festive centerpiece.

Repurpose What You Already Have

Use some things you already have around the house and make some minor changes to give them a holiday touch. Do you have a red table cloth? Add a little green for the perfect holiday touch. Or use a white table cloth and add a red and green table runner or some placements to give that holiday feel.

Get out any red and green throw pillows and blankets you have and scatter them about the couch and chairs in your living room.

The Dollar Store, Thrift Stores and Yard Sales

I love to look for holiday decorations at all three of these. We found the cutest Nut Crackers for 25 cents each at a yard sale in the middle of summer. They now line our fireplace each holiday season. You can also find plenty of “slightly used” holiday decorations at thrift stores. I picked up some cute holiday mugs there for 10 cents a piece. They sit on a little shelf my husband made for me in the kitchen spreading holiday cheer.

The dollar store is perfect for all kinds of little knick-knacks and do-dads. You can also pick up some pretty large bows there. I usually get one of them and tack it to my front door.

Last but not least I have a cute video to share with you from my friends Jill and Tawra at Jill shows you how to make an adorable Candy Christmas Wreath. Enjoy.

That’s it for today, I’ll be back tomorrow with some great holiday meal planning tips.

Susanne – The Hillbilly Housewife

P.S. Please remember that the main reason I’m on this blog tour is to support Breast Cancer Awareness. 20% of all ebook and HBHW Club membership profits will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Take a moment to browse through my collection of frugal cooking and homemaking ebooks and consider joining the Hillbilly Housewife Club – a frugal living membership site and community.


5 Responses to “Frugal Holiday Decorating Ideas”

  1. julie says:
    October 8th, 2009 3:10 pm

    I’m a big believer in crafting–making simple little gifts and giving those for the holidays.I love going to the dollar stores and seeing what amazing deals I can find for holiday decorations.I also shop the after season sales-I’ve gotten halloween jack-o-lanterns,wreaths,ornaments for little money shopping the after holiday sales.


  2. Living Remarkably says:
    October 8th, 2009 6:16 pm

    Hi Susanne! Thanks for sharing all these great frugal tips for decorating during the holidays. The last thing most of us need is the worry about spending more money this year on decorations and wrapping. These are very good and simple… I’m thinking even I can do them!

    I enjoy your ebooks and look forward to putting the “Freezer Cooking” ebook to work very shortly.

    I also love that you’re donating 20% of your sales profit to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer research. Research is important, and reminding women to call for their yearly mammogram is important also.

    With so many women either uninsured or under-insured, the discussion about mammograms turns from “should I” to “can I.” Can I afford a mammogram? Will my insurance pay for it?

    I just want women to know that most hospitals are offering free or low cost mammograms to women who call during October. Also, most states and/or counties have programs that provide free or low cost mammograms to women who are uninsured. Don’t think just because you don’t have insurance that you can’t get a mammogram.

    Thanks Susanne and Nicole for this great frugal article.

  3. Cassie says:
    October 9th, 2009 3:37 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I hope you don’t stop with the candy wreaths, this video was a joy to watch 🙂 I love this idea!

  4. Mae says:
    October 9th, 2009 4:28 pm

    Great Ideas! Love the candy wreath. One of my favorite low cost christmas decorations is tree ornament balls, either shiny or matte finish, all one color or multicolored, in a clear glass bowl. If you have little ones, the ornaments can be purchased in plastic at dollar or discount stores. I have also used a glass cake cover by filling it with the ornaments, then placing a platter or plate on the top, an flipping it over. Very simple and pretty.

  5. Susanne says:
    October 11th, 2009 2:28 pm

    Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments.

    Julie, those are all fantastic ideas. I love the shopping after the holiday suggestion. With a little planning ahead you can often get things at an up to 90% discount.

    Patti, thank you so much for sharing important information on early breast cancer detection. It’s what saved my grandmother’s life when she was diagnosed.

    Cassie, glad you’re liking the candy wreaths. Jill from did a wonderful job with that video.

    Mae – thank you for sharing the ornament idea. I never thought of that. It will be a great addition to my holiday decorations – I have just the spot for it.


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