Frugal Father’s Day Gifts

Written by admin

Since Father’s Day will be here before we know it (it’s June 21, this year), it’s time to consider some ways to make this an extra special day for Dad while keeping it frugal.

• Set a budget amount and stick to it.

Sometimes our best gift-giving intentions fly out the window when we actually get to the store. We may discover everything is higher priced than we expected, or we just can’t find anything we’d like to give. But surrendering to the temptation to spend more than we had planned is a quick way to sabotage our budget for the entire month. To get around this problem, discipline yourself to spend only what you allotted then fill in with free gifts if you feel what you can afford isn’t enough. Many of the ideas below are completely free, costing only time and effort. These will make wonderful additions to any small gift you can buy.

• Make Dad King for a Day.

Let him sleep as long as he likes. When he does wake up, place a foil-covered crown on his head and serve him his favorite breakfast in bed. Have the kids make cards and banners thanking “King Dad” for everything he does and for being who he is. Ask him what he’d like to do for the day then do your very best to make it happen. Let him control the remote, choose the activities, and plan the entire day. Give him a massage. Have the entire family wait on him hand and foot, and generally treat him like a king. He’ll love it, the kids will have fund doing it, and it will make for a day he’ll never forget.

• Give him a coupon for services he’d enjoy.

You and the kids can make simple coupons by hand or print them on the computer. Consider gifts such as a complete car wash (inside and out), mowing the lawn, cleaning the garage, taking out the trash for a week, a guilt-free night of sports on TV, his favorite dessert, or anything else you know he’d like.

• Create a one-of-a-kind gift basket.

Find a simple basket, bucket or other container and place some shred in the bottom. Now, fill it with small gifts he’d enjoy. Snacks, pens or pencils, a keychain, a wallet, disposable razors, after shave, nail clippers, fishing lures, golf balls or tees, tools, a crazy tie, etc. are always good ideas.

• Consider a gift certificate.

While it’s not the most original gift, a gift certificate to his favorite store ensures Dad will get exactly what he wants. Tuck it inside a nice card filled with encouraging or humorous notes from the family.

• Use your talents.

Write a poem, song or story, create a custom scrapbook, draw a picture, or crochet an afghan. Whatever you or the kids create will be sure to make a treasured frugal gift for Dad.

• Frame some family photos.

Create a photo collage of the kids, ask a friend to take some group family photos, or have a nice 8 x 10 photo framed of you alone.

• Send a candy or cookie bouquet.

Find online instructions for creating a simple candy or cookie bouquet and have one of the kids hand-deliver it to Dad on his special day. Use his favorite flavors and don’t let anyone else eat them unless Dad offers.

• Deliver a singing telegram.

Write a funny song, dress up in an appropriate costume and knock on the front door. Wait for Dad to answer and deliver your singing Father’s Day greeting with confidence.

There are a myriad of ways to honor Dad and show him your love on Father’s Day. Get creative and use these ideas as a starting point to create a memorable, lasting memory for the man in your life.


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