Christian Crafts for Kids

Written by Nicole Dean

Crafting is so simple and can be done by anyone. The crafts can be adjusted to age and skill level so that young kids benefit as much as their older counterparts. You can buy crafting materials from the store, use items around the house, or the best idea, a combination of the two.

PUPPETS: Some of the simplest crafts are puppets. Hand puppets can be made out of old socks or pieces of felt glued together. Kids can decorate the puppets to resemble Bible characters. Cotton balls make great beards and white hair. Pieces of yarn are turned into hair. Puppets can be used in skits, role playing activities, or just to display.

MAKE YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS CARDS: Instead of buying holiday cards, let the kids create their own to give to friends, teachers, and relatives. It is the thought that counts and they can pack a lot of decorative thought into a special occasion card. Proudly display the handcrafted cards that they make for the family so everyone can see them and enjoy.

ORIGAMI: Origami is the ancient Japanese art of paper folding. When I was little we used to make paper airplanes, but this is definitely a step above. The origami patterns can be printed off the computer and the children can decorate them before folding. Choose patterns that correspond to different themes. The kids can create an ark full of animals along with Noah and his family.  Their work can be displayed in their homes or at church as Sunday school projects. Origami is fun and all kids can be taught to do it with a little patience.


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