Article Marketing for Direct Sales Professionals

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Offering articles for free reprint to online publishers, commonly called “article marketing,” is an amazing method for getting free promotion for your direct sales business. Anyone who took high school English can write a simple article. And all you have to do to get your article published is take the time to submit it to article directories. There are some basic rules you need to follow, though, to make the most of this free promotion.

1. Inform with the article, sell with your “resource box.”

Every article you write should contain a 5-6 line “resource box” or bio that offers publishers and readers a way to get in touch with you and learn more about your business. The accepted rule for publishing free reprint articles is that the publisher include a live link with the resource box. That’s what provides the free promotion from submitting articles – not the article itself!

Never try to sell with an article. Use the article to provide free information. Use your resource box to draw visitors to your site and to give information about you and your business.

2. Spellcheck and proofread before you submit.

Be sure your article is as error-free as possible. We all make mistakes, but you need to proofread each article several times before you submit it. Read slowly and try to catch as many errors as you can. Look at grammar, sentence structure, word use, spelling, and check for overall comprehension. Does your article make sense?

If possible, ask a friend to read your article, or hire a professional proofreader. Do your best and you’ll be rewarded with more publishers using your articles, which is more free one-way links for you!

3. Submit only to publishers who want the type of article you’ve written.

If an online publisher requests articles on Internet marketing, don’t send them articles on digital scrapbooking. And vice versa. Be sure the articles you submit fit the publisher’s needs and follows their writer’s guidelines. Not all article directories have guidelines posted, but the largest ones like do. Read them. And be sure your article adheres to their policies completely. Otherwise, you’re simply wasting your time and the publishers.

4. Write about something related to your business.

If your direct sales business offers candles, you can write about making candles last long, caring for candles, choosing candles for a certain type decor and more. If your business offers beauty products, you can write about skin care, fashion, etc.

Whatever it is your direct sales business provides, write about something related. That way your reader will be ready to hop right over to your website when they finish your article… just looking for more information!

5. Keep it short and on topic.

You always want to provide quality information so you’ll come to be known as a professional and an expert in your field of expertise. To do so, you need to use the number of words it takes to make your point and say what you want to say. But you also need to stay on topic. If your article is about organizing a desk, don’t write about organizing a kitchen. Too many novice writers make the mistake of cramming all they know about a subject into one article. Save some information for the next article and stay on topic with the one you’re writing now.

There will be other things you’ll want to know to find the greatest success marketing with articles, but these few tips will give you a headstart in getting your first articles written and submitted to online publishers so you can begin right away enjoying that free promotion you’ll earn.


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