8 Ways to Find More Customers for Your Direct Sales Business

Written by admin

As a direct sales business owner, you know your customers are the lifeline for your business. Without them you won’t make any money and that’s not good.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you gain more customers, no matter what time of year it is.

1. Cold Call

Now this is one that some people don’t like to do, but it works. Go through the phone book and call people. You can start with the letter A and call the first person listed or start with the letter Z and call the last person in the book.

You’ll need to mark your phone book so finding an extra one would be ideal. Use a simple code for your responses such as NI for not interested, NA for no answer, or DC for deliver catalog. Whatever works for you to be able to record the responses.

2. Ask for a Party at the Party

When you hold a party, ask the people attending if they would like to have a party of their own. A good way to get people to set a date for a party is to offer an incentive of some sort; maybe a free gift or a discount on their current or next order. Whatever you think will work.

When you give them an incentive, they’ll see the value in hosting a party themselves. People like receiving something free and most often don’t mind “giving back” when you give them something first.

3. Postcards

Mail out postcards to people or businesses who might have an interest in what you offer and invite them either to visit your website, call you for party or order details, or visit a party you’ll be holding. You’ll want to keep track of the places you send your cards so you don’t send them again to the same people. It’s also a good idea to follow-up with a phone call a week or so after you send the postcard.

4. Flyers

Handing out flyers is a good way to spread the word quickly and easily. The only downside to flyers is that you really don’t have a way of contacting the people you hand them out to. Unless you get a card or a phone number, you can’t contact them to see if they want to order or schedule a party, but it’s still a viable soft-selling option.

5. Newsletter

Start a newsletter that you send out weekly or monthly and use it to your advantage. Ask for a party in your newsletter and offer a free gift for anyone who uses a booking code or lets you know they read about it in your newsletter.

6. Business Cards

Not yours… those that other business people give you! Gather business cards from everyone who will give you their card. You never know who may have an interest in holding a party or placing an order. Make a note on the back of the card that lets you know where you met them and if they express an interest in booking a party, placing an order, or even your business opportunity.

7. Open House

Hold an open house and invite everyone you know. Ask each person to bring someone and offer an incentive to everyone who does. Be sure both the person you invited and the one they invited receive a free gift for attending. Samples, discounts, or freebies are always make good incentives.

8. Information Packs

Create packs that you can hand out at a parade, daycare, school, or some other place where you find your target market. Include your business and product information as well as things from others. Also include your business card, a flyer, and a sample product.

Direct sales business owners need customers to profit. When you’re running short on ideas for attracting new customers, you can use the suggestions above to draw in new customers almost every time.


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