61 New Year’s Goals to Improve Your Life

Written by Mary Lutz


Set your goals for 2009

Set your goals for 2009

Having trouble setting your New Year’s Goals this year? Have you set New Year’s goals in the past and didn’t meet them or gave up before you even got started? Don’t feel bad or beat yourself up for it, we all probably have done that at one time, or two!  Well, here’s a list of good New Year’s goals to help get your wheels turning. Read over the list, think about the areas in your life that need improving, then set two or three of your own goals that will improve your life in business or personally. I recommend only two or three because if you set too many life changing goals at once, it may be too difficult to follow through with them, then you will feel defeated instead of victorious. On that note, here’s the list!


1.       Lose weight

2.       Stop smoking

3.       Eat healthier

4.       Start a budget

5.       Be disciplined with budgeting

6.       Start reading the bible or daily devotional everyday

7.       Start an exercise program or routine

8.       Spend more time with your family

9.       Get out of debt

10.   Pay off several small credit cards

11.   Pay off one large credit card

12.   Start a savings account

13.   Start saving for an emergency fund

14.   Start a Christmas savings fund

15.   Save money for a vacation

16.   Go on a vacation

17.   Start a house cleaning routine

18.   Start a new work at home business

19.   Start a new small business

20.   Get a new job

21.   Increase your income

22.   Decrease your spending

23.   Buy a new car

24.   Sell an old car

25.   Buy a new house

26.   Sell an old house

27.   Paint your house

28.   Remodel your house

29.   Shop throughout the year for Christmas ‘09

30.   Learn how to ski

31.   Learn a new trade or skill

32.   Go back to school

33.   Start college

34.   Finish high school

35.   Get a GED

36.   Go back to church

37.   Start going to church

38.   Change your hairstyle or color

39.   Make a new friend

40.   Get in contact with an old friend

41.   Forgive someone

42.   Save for a laptop or other business equipment

43.   Purchase a laptop or other business equipment

44.   Buy a new power suit for business meetings

45.   Buy a sexy dress for your husband (not for him to wear, silly!)

46.   Write a book

47.   Get a book published

48.   Go see your favorite musical artist in concert

49.   Ride a train

50.   Fly in a plane

51.   Travel cross country

52.   Travel to another country

53.   Go on a mission trip

54.   Have a baby

55.   Adopt a child

56.   Become a foster parent

57.   Get involved in a ministry in your church

58.   Build a relationship with a youth or teen who doesn’t have a good family life

59.   Help out a family member financially

60.   Go visit family that you haven’t seen in a while

61.   Mend the broken relationships in your life.

There you have it! Hopefully this will get you thinking about some areas in your life that you would like or need to improve upon. There is no better time than now to start! Remember, a goal worth setting is a goal worth putting forth the effort needed to reach it. “If you shoot for the stars and miss, at least you’ll have the moon” is one of my favorite quotes. Set your goals and do everything in your power to reach them and I guarantee you will see improvements in your life! Do a self check at least once every 3 months to see if you’re on track to meeting your goals. If you aren’t or haven’t even started, remember it’s never too late to start!


One Response to “61 New Year’s Goals to Improve Your Life”

  1. Lexi says:
    January 1st, 2009 9:56 pm

    Wow, that’s quite a comprehensive list. I’m sure anybody will find at least one that is relevant to them. I know I’ve found a few, so I’ll need to trim my own list of resolutions. What I like about this list is that it covers various areas of a Mom’s life, from physical to financial to spiritual, etc.

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