10 Ways To Be A Productive WAHM

Written by Multitasking Mama

113 - Working from home photo credit: eyeliam

When you work from home, whether you have a whole room set aside for your office or a corner of the computer desk in the family room, having an organized workspace is key to productivity.  Often we have to grab moments to work between carpools, naps, making meals and doing laundry.  If you have to waste time looking for things and finding a pen you are not going to accomplish as much as you could if you have organized systems in place.  Here are ten easy steps to get you on your way to streamlined systems:

  1. Set aside time each day to file papers.  Avoid allowing paper to accumulate.  Remember, piles are not your friend!
  2. Keep an extra printer cartridge on hand, as well as other office supplies to avoid not having the item you need to complete a project.
  3. Work when you are at your best.
  4. Turn off email alerts, Twitter and other distractions when you are trying to accomplish a task.  Multi-tasking is a gift but it is not conducive to turning out quality work.
  5. Have a dependable back-up plan.  If you are working on a deadline than have someone you can call to help you out with the kids if one becomes sick.  Often, this can be a swap type situation with another WAHM.
  6. Be selective about the things you commit your time to.  People often assume that because you work from home you are available for every volunteer event, PTA committee and playgroup.  And, it is tempting since you make your own schedule to succumb to the desire to be involved in everything.  But, you can only be spread so thin before both your parenting and your career will suffer.
  7. Schedule your work time, play time, house cleaning time, etc.  If it isn’t on your radar screen, there is a good chance it will not get done.
  8. Cut yourself some slack!  You will not get everything done all the time.  Sometimes work will have to come first, most of the time your kids and significant other will need to come first.  In the end, it will balance out.
  9. Take care of you.  Being all things to all people can leave a mama stressed and tired.  Do things that rejuvenate you- get a manicure, go for a run, treat yourself to a latte.  Whatever takes care of you- make time for it!
  10. Pat yourself on the back.  WAHM’s have their feet in both worlds, the SAHM world and the career world, without the benefit of separating the two.  Work never leaves because your work is at home and it is hard not to look at all the laundry and dishes when your office is across from the kitchen.  Give yourself credit for all the things you accomplish on a daily basis and remember there is always tomorrow for the things that still need to be done.


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