PR: Recession Opens up Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs, Freelancers

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Media Contact: Sharon McMillan, (905) 472-5384

Pensacola, FL-February 26, 2009-PriceWaterhouse Coopers released a study in 2007 that reported a 40% drop in the number of women holding senior management positions. They attributed a large part of that shift to rising childcare costs and the fact that many women were choosing to work for themselves. Fast forward 2 years and statistics show that women are choosing to become entrepreneurs at increasingly higher rates than men as the economy continues to tank. Capitalizing on the trend of women entrepreneurship are innovative international organizations like the association for female freelancers called Shelancers (

“In Tim Ferris’ bestselling book The 4-hour Workweek he explains that business owners can get a 100% return on their investment by delegating a task for 50% of their hourly rate.  That’s information that companies can’t ignore in this current economic climate,” explains Nicole Dean, co-founder of Shelancers.

“In effect we have a perfect storm creating the need for outsourcing.  More companies require affordable, flexible expertise and an increasing number of women have left corporate life or have established thriving businesses on their own. We created Shelancers to support and bring together independent contractors with companies looking for talent in this economy,” says Dean.

Shelancers is an international online association for female freelancers that offers support, education and networking for members who represent expertise in a variety of disciplines. At the same time the Association also offers to businesses easy access to their network of freelancing professionals.

“The Internet has created a busy marketplace, with new and expanding companies generating workloads that many small and mid-size businesses are having difficulty managing. Freelancers are the solution as companies can choose the exact level of expertise they want for however long they want at a price they can afford,” notes Dean.

Free, easy and flexible access to marketplace expertise is what Shelancers offers to today’s competitive firms. Companies can peruse the directory of providers or submit requests for proposals. Each directory listing provides freelancer contact information, available client feedback, and a means to secure quotes and samples of work.

Shelancers is co-owned by Nicole Dean and Darina Loakman.  Nicole is a well known affiliate manager and consultant who has been helping women to work from home since 2004 and Darina was named by the Examiner Newspaper as one of the 50 most influential women in Ireland (2006). To arrange an interview with Nicole or Darina please contact Sharon McMillan, Media Relations, 905-472-5384 /


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