Direct Sales Woman
As a direct sales woman leader there are
many roles you will need to take on professionally.
Follow the tips below to make sure you are bringing out
the best in your personality.
Direct Sales Tip: The Role of Leader
and Coach
As a leader you have the opportunity to
touch the lives of your team members in a way that will
make a difference in many areas of their lives. Yet,
your role as a “coach” is not to teach, instruct or
direct, but rather to encourage, inspire, and love.
Let’s be honest. Have you ever avoided calling a team
member because you did not want to hear them lament over
a problem or report they have not yet followed through?
When you called, did your heart sink when you heard,
“I’m just not having any luck with my calls.” Or, “I
just don’t know if I should be doing this.”
If this rings true, take heart. You are most definitely
not alone!
Dealing with negativity or pessimism is a natural part
of being a leader. The trick is in how you view and
respond to the scenario, that marks you as a leader.
Here are some suggestions:
Don’t take another’s dejection personally!
When a team member is feeling discouraged about her
business, remember, it is not about YOU, it is about
them! Whether pressure at work or issues at home,
Consultants often displace their frustrations and take
it out on their business. In reality, however, the
business is something that brings them great joy.
Don’t get any on you!
Sometimes managers become so connected to their team
members that they actually feel responsible for their
success. Do not allow the mood of a team member
determine your level of commitment. Stand strong in your
belief, yet compassionate, and you will help raise your
team member to your level, rather than get dragged down
in the dumps with them.
Respond with love and empathy!
Be aware there will be times when what your team member
needs is not another suggestion, tip, or idea. Instead,
she simply needs someone to listen without judgment,
respond without advice, and reiterate a belief in her
ability to work through the challenge.
Be there for them.
Communicate four times a week with those Consultants who
are demonstrating a high level of commitment to their
business, and less often with those who are not. Review
their progress on a regular basis and determine your
personal communication by matching your efforts to
theirs. Consultants who are spending a considerable
amount of time on their business merit more of your
time. Consultants who invest little effort in their
business should receive less of your attention.
Many times an encouraging word and a pat on the back is
all that is needed to help your team member through a
challenge and on to success! So pick up your pom-poms
and offer encouragement! You’ll be amazed how wonderful
it makes you feel in the process!
Article by:
Jane Deuber is a Co-Founder of
www.DSWA.org (the only association dedicated to the
needs of the independent party plan and network
marketing professionals). Discover what makes the DSWA
so unique. Listen to three motivating and informative
free teleseminars by visiting www.mydswa.org/tele_class.asp