Would You Miss Your Favorite Shows for $100,
$200, $500?
Did I get your attention?
Think about this for a moment. So many of us complain, we don't have time to work our business. But all to often we MAKE the time to watch our favorite TV shows, week after week. And they are usually on during prime calling time!
If you recorded or missed your show for one month and
made phone calls during that hour, I can almost
guarantee you that you will end up with events for the
next month. That gives you 4 hours of calling time to
book 3 events for the next month and find one person to
Take this time and call your past hosts, your past customers, people you have met & contacts you have that you have not followed up with.
If you take those 4 hours of TV time and make them into business time, you'll end up with $100, $200 even $500 in your pocket! Is your favorite show worth that much money? What could you do with that money?
Consultants average $65 per event, so if you booked 3 gatherings during those 4 hours...you'll end up with $260 in commissions. Plus don't forget bonus
I challenge you to do this! Over the next 2 months, record or miss your favorite show and GET ON THE PHONE! If you do this, and do it seriously (no taking that time to re-organize your desk, or file papers, or answer emails)
I'll say it again...If you take those 4 hours of TV time and make them into business time, you'll end up with $100, $200 even $500 in your pocket! Is your favorite show worth that much money? What could you do with that money?
Once you have spent one hour on the phone, reward yourself! Go watch you TV show then...and since you recorded it, you can fast forward through all the commercials and watch it in 45 minutes :-)
Who's up for the challenge????
Louann Cormier
Spice up your life with Megan's Pantry Gourmet Foods
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